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104-10218-10099 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (6/10/1960)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch45714 and id is 1 raw text is: 


. -

SdkeI3  s                 Ah    he  b7 CatO   aQ~   Is W~

Date    u  3D  1     * 3

NOW     1  krW 7

         Prior to her departure from Mow York, June Cobb visited the
Cba,  Consulato- in New York City as requested prior to her departure from
$&van&. Whtle Viere she was introduced to an American citise  named '
Beole  Brener   a newspaperman from the Vimi  Reach -An. 3renr.er is a
friend of Cobb's bose Juan Orta, the AdOinistrative.assistant cf File'l Castro.
Brenner gave Cobb a note in an envelope that w.a sealed for del!very to
Crta. Cobb opened the note and copied the cortants which were as follows:

          Tell  0 thAt  Manny (Manuel) Ar4ue   1. i   .* ir -.ot, rAe -ot'.
          The Feds ore on rmin. Aguirre te -ricat fir ered nia ir.    h    r
          Menendez  in Key 'est works tr thet poitoff ice s e'r. watched.
          There is a fed working ri ;ht t-.e:-e   ise ;oat office wit. 'imu
          they have sce  letters  arke! !ant veh'r   for %-. to over'one.
          Mses aga. The S'tate >epv.rt-.ent - - Also te. 'em tot to use those
          replicas of doll.r bills tico tourist :3.ntent  iv t;sln* with
          something written on back.
        'George   Atuthwort.:. is working wtn t,.- fos. I zot % a drxk -4th a
          1.. (lesbian) and a straight Airl -.:A some Acture- one niAt.
          He said he wea going to put the sh ft to apt. Duerra.
          Tell   oris  adrone w::o lives in S y 19 pt. building with a aiby
          by t'rlardo iedrone that tie feds are tr.-r..g to get to her. idel
          brought her to Cuba because se  Kniw sc-e tnirge she abouudn't
          Arques can go to Cuba the 13t%,
          Oscar Fa.-irez is being tAlled, 24 our ta1.

          June Cobb called                 Director of   =      in New ork
titro gh whom I ori injiy met Viss Cobb, askin ,I  to contact -e for she had
a mesaae  for me.            called ne ;At iose .nd I zalled Fiss :obb at a
phone booth in the  o     rae.  34  told me of' the bove. Ihd Wher give the notes.
to *mllakIt                -he passed them to 'iim at the east Side kir!inea
Terminal tr.                evenirg of '? une.

Barchs  Acording  to information given verbally by Harry Herasdorf, when Igor vent
     to the airport end approached Cobb, she waved him away.  He waited at some
     distance while she seritbled away at the notes; she then folded them in a
     newspaper and left then for him to pick up.  Harry did not say whether she
     walked away immediately after leaving the notes, or whether she folded ttem
     in the paper and thenmaited for the two supposed smebers of the Cuban Consulate
     to join her before boarding the plane.


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