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104-10209-10250 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (2/11/1964)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch44887 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                      Federal i~ureau cd izivebtigatia-.

'1OUBJECT             Lee  h-arvey $A   '.D

      1. Subsequent to the prep~aration of our CS-i.3.-1779,.i17, dated
4 February 1964. subjet as abejve, in rvsponse to yuur co.muuicatien
DL   M1(j-L441, ciated 31 Deces:.-.ber 1963, file nUxL-ber (S) i-i%55 ,
additional iaomiAtian on tie subject har, conme to our attention. T.dUs
Inform~ation was received fromi your uffice in your co~nsaiuxication
DDA  59*90 1, dated ZG LDecen. oer 19tj3. It in repealted, bel Io fo~r Lte
conanlenco. of your. per sozhnel- invulved, in tite C  -wP-LLV case.

      z. Concerning-the etrio   pag+e -3 of adA.fle   tras   book:

                       Lev Setyaev - R~adio k.oscotv

                       Vlovo-4rexzy Z3!?

a report fromn your office, L)BA 59901. dated ZO Decerrnber 1963, subject
IUlIie L~ay RAH1k: ,coaiains the falloving inform-ation: Annette (aee
ZtG;(-FF) - TY!1XVA,  ak.a Onixa Nay 2UGWYi,  aka -Aneta IV-m 2UJGOEFo
ua  Annette K. iZNlIUNA. born 18 N~ovemnber 1919 at la-ke -Stevens,
Washington to nArried to a Leo ELTKALV who worked  for Radio £.oscog';
Annette 5EiTYAF.VA. %ho aixeara to be the dav~htor of ILUlls kt.ay RAI.W..
aka Lillo 1,ay TLSLICH,  aka Lu1ls tLay ZUGQYV,  6orn 8 N~ovember 19OZ
at '4ella Townatdp, LiAchigan, travelled to the Soviet Union in 1935 and on
Z0 Varch  1936 became a citizen of the UKAt   least utinil July i962.
Annette was reportedly mlarried to a i1iN1XIN, (tam), For a numb~er of
years Annette has worxed as an announcer in the Am~erican Section' ai
R~adio Pr* *cow. Allegedly, she is the R~.adio L *scae announcer kno-n as

                                                    I414OSC  V OU y Who

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