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104-10186-10193 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (2/10/1965)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch44047 and id is 1 raw text is: 104-10186-10193

                                              CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY
                      I 'I.'&e ai  a ,a  Inurris eat W e ffmet n  the  aN  t 2  4 f  St.*  ltId  Mtat h . 54  neseInt of the S g ts. te .I4-,.,  IAW e. Me
                      141 4    * 9   ased T s Ma  tra nsmo  sw  kwomethe of ofshh 1e any asessngr to 1n usesathwnlad  perue  io probabIted  by law
                                                   NO FOREIGN  DISSEM

                     COUNTR'Cuba'                                 REPORT NO.  CSCI-316/00624-65

                     SUiECT Teudys TRUTIE Maill'a                 DATE DISTR. 10 February  1965
                           alias Teobaldo                        OA
                                                     }o  h)A )    NO. PAGES   2
                                                        3 0, REFERENCES       CS-211/00115-64
                                                             ,%I,   (page 11)
                     DATE OF                                                  8 July 1964
                     INFO.  1964
                     PLACE & Washington, D.C.
                     DATE ACQ. January 1965                       FIELD REPORT NO.

                    SOURCES A former Cuban IS officer  who served  with the Cuban  Intelligence
                           Service  until April  1964.

                           Headquarters Comments

                           The following report is one  of a series  containing personality
                           information provided by  the source and  includes supplemental
                           information from the records  of this Agency.

                           It is requested that the  addressees take  no action on  any of
                           the individuals mentioned  in the personality  reports  without
                           first checking with this Agency.

                              1.  Source  identified a  photograph of Teudys  TRUTIE  Mlatilla
                          as being that-of  the person known  to him as  Teobaldo  (true tall name
                          nab1knoUItthumkrsand the same  individual who  was chief, also  an
                          instructor, of  the Seccion Tecnica  (Technical  Training Section  -
                          ST) in the MI Department  (Department  of Technical  Operational
                          .Support) in the Direccion General  de Inteligencia  (General
                          Directorate of  Intelligence -  DGI).  His offices  are located
                          in Marianao.

                              2.  Source described  Teobaldo  as being a  Cuban citizen  born
                         about  1940.  He  is about five  feet seven inches  tall, weighs
                         appro-ximately 135  pounds, and has  a slim build.   He has a white
                         complexion,  light  brown hair, a small,  strilght  nose, a slim  face,
                         and  is clean shaven.   Teobaldo  walks with a slight  limp in  his
                         left  leg and speaks  with a nasal  twang.l,2

                         Headquarters  Comments

                         1.  A  former Cuban diplomat  and Cuban  Intelligence  (CIS) staff
                             officer  who defected  in 1963 reported  that one Teovaldo  TRUTIE     5
                             (possibly  identical  with subject),  born circa  1938, Aas a          4
                                                        SECRET                           '         2
                                                     NO FOREIGN  DISSEM                             I
                    SIATE    OIA     ARMY    I NAVY   AIR     TNSAOc                    I FB-I 2
                         REP  CINCLANT   CINCSO#   I&NS_
                    (Nte. ld dussibwson lendated by  t.)

                        .1 IE                                                -_1X'1838;   LX 2349
                        O-                  C~lXk.A.--    'IF         L        -O  PROJECT(AMMUG  '1)
                      SAw R-                --   ---     1./ ASI     &-cSClI-316/O0624-65

                      iA iIISA 8 (1), HE 1 (2), CI 4, RID  I        Io*                 ILS:LDs  vk

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