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104-10169-10253 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (01/01/1963)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch41639 and id is 1 raw text is: 

0YE . 'r;~

* -~    TO:  John  laft       0   1u
        FroM:  hal  wenson   .
                       Subj:   IA    ~0~~J                          CUs

        Source:   Victor ESPINOSA Hernande. (201-235317), born 26
        August  1937 in Cardenas, Uatanzas, Cuba, a PM4 trainee wi
        was  terminated as a malcontent on 20 I1arch 1961. Present
        addrcss  is 41  East.52 Street, NYC%, where his telephone
        is HA  1 7375.
        Supplemental  Data:  ESPINOSA flew Air France from Orly
        Airport  (confirmed by cachet in pp) on 29 May 65 and on
        arrival  in NYC the same day contacted an INS Agent named
        CAVASANJIAN  (Phonetic) who , on the basis of information
        10  the story of ESPINOSA which appeared to affect U.S.
        security,  notified the  M91. Special Agent Frank 01BRIEN
        of  the NY Field Office of the FBrinterviewed  ESPINOSA
        on  2 May 65.  The FBI notified iftson3 May.  Isaw
        ESPINOSA  on 4 hay in the NY field office of the FBI.
        '.Frank O'BRIEN was present. (0'BRIEN said that INS at
        Washington,  DC apoarently had received a report and
        had  notified FBI headquarters fromwhich  a supervisor
~->----had   telephoned O'BRIEN to inquire whether 013RIER   haew
         about aspects of ESPINOSA's story with derogatory  O2
         allegations about the CIA, including
         Paraphrase of the sourcess story:  I do not have a high.
         regard for the CIA  r for most of  heexiled  Cubans but
         I am against thp Castro regimefor which reason I have
         become involved in these matter about which I must be
         sure the CIA is informed,  I contacted the INS and the
         FBI because through them I could ensure contact with a
       -responsible  CIA officer,
         I was a good friend of Rolando CUBELAS.  We conspired
         together against  BATISTA and we planned assassinations
         08 Batista supoorters.  We carried out  the killing of
         one of the SIN chieftJ   ee-eutan, successfully..A  lot
            thd tblhinga the the.anti-BATISTA students did ,Mere not
         effeotive but we  did more than talk and this old
         assessination  is proof that people like Rolando and myself
         After CASTRO  took over I loft Cuba and engaged in anti-Castro
         activities,   I got shot in the process, I was betrayed by
         some of  the Cuban exiles when I was going to bomb Cuba,
         I saw how  the CIA bungled and I became bitter.  I was bitter
         about Rolando  too,  I thought that he had turned communist,
         I sent him  a mesnage a long time ago, tolling him that he
         Was a traitor  and no friend ofmtinn.  Thot warn when a ran
         American  atowardes  whom he liked came to  e with a-mesage
         ofrm him about  how he was still a friend of mine and thins a
         *fe* not like  they seamed,  I got mad and told her to tel

* ..,. 1*






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