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104-10196-10027 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (3/24/1975)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch16278 and id is 1 raw text is: 104-10196-10027

                                  C 1.1 A:Ti..!T!CS ;'.u  1118 1 ,1:;; O:I SI J 1. ~ i .1

                         There is a n.7-d to inzvestiate the role of thez CIA and the Fr1 in th.
                    investigation of t..c   i5.ination of President Kannedy, and their relation-
                    ships with Lee Harvey, Os aid. Since sver-il agenacles had file, on Oswild which
                    caa be chzcked a*a3sc  each other, a useful case study of CIA practices is
                    pasIble.   These reco:da should sh   lighL on the interception of ,mail to Russia,
                    CIA cotcern about (-and ille-keepin--on) dosaestic political- activities, ahd othar
                    que.sonable  activicIes.
                         Un aresolved quitions ibdut the CIA and the assassinatioa include CIA
                    coverago    Osuald and 'aybe an iepostor in t:e!ico City, repocts that he was
                    aa informant, and a contac  v1ith.a U.S. intelligence operative-intMosco. This
                    co   su-artzei  the avakiable -record and suZggests specific inquiries.
                        The CIA'mLsled  the FBI -about the CIA file on Oswald, and may not have
                   cooparated  fully wth  th'. arren Cowii6sLon (as tthe Fl1 and the Defense Depart-
                   ment did not).  For example,  the, CIA may not have told the Comi.ssion about all
                   their recordion  Oswald's wife or his .activities in Nexico, This memo speclfies
                   documehts.an-pople  -uhdo could clarify the Warren CommLssion's work with the CIA
                   and their investigation of these.matters.
                        The'CIA nay have invest-15cted the assassination more thoroughly and lonqer.
                   than the CorissLon.   The results of the CIA Ihvestigatnio, and possibi  actions
                   against W1arren Repore crics,' sliould be clarified for the public.
                        Previously unreported evidence presented here is relevant to the reports
                   that-a- CIA atterpt to kill Fidel Castro nmay have backfired against Kennedy.
                   Oswald or an 16personator, in the coapany of anti-Castco Cubans, visited Cuban
                   emigree Sylvia Odio in Dallas and was-said to feel that Kennedy should have been'.
                   shot.  These men were apparently friends of Odio's father, who was imprisoned
                   in Cuba because of his role in an assassination attempt against Castro. Eyen
                   without knowledae of chis fact, the Uarren Co.aLission staff considered the Odio
                   i4cident very ikportant and speculated that it might have reflected a, conspiracy.
                   The Coar-Assion's investigation was quite inadequate - for exavple, in not checking
                   out reports of an Oswald loo4-alike in DAllas who was affiliated with the same
                   .nci-C.jstro group as Odio's father's co-conspirators against Castro, The CIA's
                   role in this particular attempt atainst Castro, and in the dissemination of
                   ap.arently false .stories thaet Rtobert Kennedy feared that an att.enpt against
                   Castro which he had authjrized had backfirel,, rust be exomined fully.

                   Copiright D  1975 Paul L* foch
                   A1l rigtts rserxred.                                            1735 Mi.,land P.
                                                                                   Brcel2y,  1.1 94/75
                                                                                   llarch 2!',, 1.975



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