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104-10050-10049 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (10/21/1964)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch07773 and id is 1 raw text is: 104-10050-10049

   And  PAUL  SCOT¶
-The   Central   Int
gence  Agency  withi
vital intelligence in
Ination from the Wa
Conpiubsion during its
vestigation of the as
sination of Presid
  Despite th e. com
sion's written request
all documents that Il
shed light on the as
sination, . CIA authori
failed to turn over a
tional intelligence
nate  warning that i
Kremlin policy to rem
from  public office by
sassination Western




EN    cial. who actively oppose on lavs yet jo be used dismissal of such person Ii q
T     Soviet policies,        against p   gh    West-  from public office, at otly for;
        Title Soviet Strategic em officl  lrdeds  of  er  times   even having, will
.20.  Executive Action, the  KQB  age?     Itly  op-  them  'eliminated' phyei. put(
elli. suppressed C I A  docu- erating  ut      Itussla cally.             .     Its
ield  ment went Into the shock- have becr      d with    Such   activities are pols
for-  ing details of how agepts this poc k       gun,  known  to be undertaken  ed 1
rren  of KGB, the Soviet secret a w aI tIng   lders    against other  types of  fect
in-   police,. are trained to do  from Moscow     it.  persons in the West, not-. afte
sas-  away with .Western lead-  The Murder '3Yo'as     ably defectors from the  thui
ent   ers, Including officials In  ZIGHLIGT       lie  U.S.S.R. and from other  to I
      the U. S., and to make  suppressed. Int  I   ce  countries of the Soviet  whe
mis-  their deaths appear due estimate, which I     d  bloc.                      
for   to natural causes.      In a security are          One recently reported som
ight    One of the KGB's new- the tightly-guard'; -r iassassination technique is pnei
sas-  ly devised assassination are as follows:    `;   to electrocute an individ- pois
ties  wapqns - Is a- pniumati- It has been rehed     ual by  luring  him  to  whli
na-   cally. operated poison Iceythat the KGB endeavors use a telephone, connect- or (
esti- 'atomizer,'.- which leaves to re'dt614-the-thre led to a high-voltage wire, cau
t is  no wound  or: other ed. Soviet Interests, ose ;MV .uring a thunderstorm. .  C
ove   dence of the c a u s e of certain members of We'   Another involves the  gate
as-   death.                 erti goveimnients; so      e  of a  pistol which  that
offi-   Whilethis deadly weap times arranging for t j.'Oects   a poison gas in  com
        , :7 0 1 W -V a m i
           * Dociument       *-  iaown by    dinstao4~
                    '. Officlas 0 S eak6r. Joti,

        a    of     liae     , e nr leto succeed Prol
             ~iou   ofRusla'  coox- dent Johnson.IAV
      istence line, stress 'tlzt  Wh11o FBI officlalA  i
      the  W a r r e *Commis.   Warned Speaker 31)00r
      SIOn's finding ai .In 1911  nadk;, a dedicated, 'axit4. .
      have  been  different      ommianist,,that e Is on i
      is   CIA   estimate an4   the list 'of Westqrn effi
      other  documents            u. ials feared by. the Kremn I,
      Pressed by thle 'StiteDe. lips no  CIA   authority .
        arm  t hd  been avai    has sdhown the No. 2. man j
      able for *tudy            In government the  0IA
            ty point ut  41hat.: report listing these so
        e    ate  DepaIment     cret 'Sovltt :assasshiatioxi
      oupprc~s0 evidoneo link.:-a ntodns... a
      drag -Oswald. With ,otio at! Instdad; 3Vae
         Uaeploy'co, ww* - wh jiclar'ned gjboaut :tilerpo
      cordin~g to sccurity. t1ls6 -oniy, , .I
                               r,04 1ecently from .con. '

                                                             Wi           M

           Inside Washigton ~sj.!i; :;~

CDCIA Withihel d Vital InteIlhec FrmW

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