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556 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1943)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0694 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 2,333,080 to 2,333,623

United States Patent Office
Vol. 556-No. 1                TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1943                   Price-$16 per year
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,
to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be addressed. Issued
weekly. Subscriptions, $16.00 per annum, including annual index, $18.75; single numbers, 35 cents each.
PRINTED COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter address the Commis-
sioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.
CIRCULARS OF GENERAL INFORMATION concerning PATENTS or TRADE-MARKS will be sent without cost on
request to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, 0. C.

CONTENTS                         Page
ISSUE OF NOVEMBER 2, 1943 --------------------------------- 1
ADZUDICATED PATENTS --------------------------------------- 1
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION ------------------------- 2
Paulson v. Hyland ------------------ ; ------------------ a
PATENT SUITS ------------------------------------------------ 5
DISCLAIMERS    -----------------------------------------6
NOTICES OF CANCELLATION ----------------------------------- 6
REISSUES -----------------------------------------31
PATENTS GRANTED- .................................     32
DESIGNS ------------------------------------------------------- 161
November 2, 1943
Trade-Marks -      1-----  l19--No. 404,053 to No. 404,171, inclusive.
T. M. Renewals ----  87
Reissues ------------  2-No.  22,388 to No.  22,389, inclusive.
Patents ------------ 544-No. 2,333,080 to No. 2,333,623, inclusive.
Designs ------------ 33--No. 136,581 to No. 136,613, inclusive.
Total --------- 785
Opinion of Acting Comptroller General
Return of Appeal Fee
Washington 25, Sept. 83, 19.3.
The Honorable, The Secretary of Commerce.
My dear MIr. Secretary:
I have your letter of Septelnber 3, 1943, as follows:
Rule 195 of the Rules of Practice of the United States
Patent Office reads in part as follows:
 'Money paid by actual mistake, such as payment in
excess, or when not required by law, or by neglect or mis-
information  on  the part of the office, will be re-
funded   *  *   *'
This rule is based upon the Appropriation Act of March
6, 1920 (41 Stat. 512; U. S. C., title 35, section 79), which
authorizes the Commissioner of Patents 'to pay back any
sum or sums of money paid to him by any person-by mistake
or In excess of the fee required by law.'
Section 4909 R. S. (U. S. C., title 35, section 57) pro-
vides that:
'Every applicant for a patent or for the reissue of a
patent, any of the claims of which have been twice re-
jected may appeal from the decision of the Primary
Examiner to the Board of Appeals, having once paid the
fee for such appeal.'
The statutory fee for taking such an appeal Is $15.00.
(4934 R. S.: U. S. C., title 35, section 78.)
It sometimes happens that after the filing of an appeal
the Primary Examiner withdraws the rejection from which

the appeal has been taken,.In which .evefit the appeal Is
not forwarded to nor considered by the Board of-Appeals.
In other words, the Patent Officeyehdqes no -sbrvici i
connection with the appeal other tii recelving,the'papers
and placing them in the file.  .       -e    -
Disregarding possible cases In which the rejecti6n of
claims may have been due to Inadvertence, and. considering
only those cases In which the rejection was meiely
erroneous In the sense that the Examiner would probably
have been reversed by the Board of Appeals had that
tribunal considered the appeal, a ruling is requested as
to whether or not the Commissioner of Patents may
prot)erly return the appeal fee under the stated circum-
Since It Is clear that under the circumstances stated in
your submission the payment of the appeal fee Is re-
quired by law, and Is not In excess of the amount fixed
by statute, nor Induced by neglect or misinformation on
the part of the Patent Office, within the terms of the act
of March 6, J920, and the applicable Rule 195,'cited by
you, there would appear to be no authority for the return
of the appeal fee unless It can be said to have been paid by
mistake on the part of the applicant.
There is nothing In the facts presented by you whvch
suggests that the rejection of the claim by the Primary
Examiner Is not bona fide, and It is assumed that the
subsequent withdrawal of the rejection resulted from the
further consideration of the claim by .the'.Exahiner and
the conclusion, upon such reconsideration, that the original
action was erroneous. Even If it correctly could be said
that the rejection of the. claim by the Primary Examiner
was a mistake, yet that fact Is not controlling, since by
the plain language of the said act of 1920 It is applicable to
a mistake relating to the payment, only. Hence, it would
seem that a determination of the question must depend
upon the factual situation existing when the claim was
rejected. At that time the applicant desired to file an
appeal from the adverse decision with which he then
was confronted; and, In order to do so, he paid the fee
required by law. There can be no doubt that the fee was
paid Intentionally by the applicant for the purpose of
having the appeal considered by the Board of Appeals;
that Is to say, the payment of the fee was proper and was
not, in any sense, made by mistake. While the subsequent
withdrawal of the rejection by the Examiner obviated the
necessity for an appeal, there can be no sound basis for
the view that such action has the retroactive effect of
converting a payment proper when made Into a payment
made by mistake.
Accordingly, It must be held that a refund of the appeal
fee under the circumstances stated is not authorized.
Acting Comptroller General of the United States.
Adjudicated Patents
(C. C. A. N. H.) Abbott patent, No. 2,160,810, for
automatic machine to wind filling wound bobbins used in
loom shuttles, claims 14 and 28, Held Invalid. Abbott
Mach. Co. v. Universal Winding Co., 137 F.(2d) 166.

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