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555 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1943)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0693 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 2,330,795 to 2,31,278
United States Patent Office
Vol. 555-   No. 1                 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1943                       Price $16 per year
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE Is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Oice,
to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be addressed. Issued
weekly. Subscriptions. $16.00 per annum, including annual index, $18.75; single numbers, 35 cents each.
PRINTED COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter address the Corumls-
sioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.
CIRCULARS OF GENERAL INFORMATION concerning PATENTS .r TRADE-MARKS will be sent without cost on
request to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington. D. C.

IssuE OF OCTOBER 5, 1943 ----------------------------------- I
ADJUICATED PATENTS --------------------------------------I
CLASSIFICATION BULLETIN No. 85 -------------------------
NOTICE Or CANCELLATION ---------------------------------
PHOTOSTAT COPIES ------------------------------------------ I
APPLIcANT's ADDRESS ----------------------------------------I
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION --------------------------2
In re Smyser, Deceased, (Granite Trust Company,
Executor) -----.                 ..-------------------------------------- 3
REISSUES ----------------------------------------------------- 25
PLANT .-PATENTS ------------------.------------------------- 25
PATENTS GRANTED ------------------------------------------- 26
DESIGNS ------------------------------------------------------- 144
October 5, 1943
Trade-Marks -------  82-No. 403,586 to No. 403,667, Inclusive.
T. M. Renewals ...  64
Reissues ------------I-No.     22,383
Plant Patents ------  3--No.     602 to No.    604, Inclusive.
Patents -----------  484-No. 2,330,795 to No. 2,331,278, tnclusive.
Designs ------------ 42-No. 136,418 to No. 136,459, inclusive.
Total --------- 676
Adjudicated Patents
(D. C. Mich.)   Blanc patent, No. 2,069,871, for cutter
member for cleaning drain pipes, claims 1 to 6 Held not
Infringed. Blanc v. Cayo, 50 F. Supp. 552.
(C. C. A. Cal.)     Bristow   and  Strong patent, No.
2,123,709, for therapeutic light ray apparatus, Held in-
fringed. Rubens v. Bowers, 136 F.(2d) 887.
(D. C. Mich.)    Blanc reissue patent, No. 22,1f3, for
drain cleaner, claims 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Held In-
valid and not infringed. Blanc v. Cayo, 50 P. Supp. 552.
Classification Bulletin No. 85
Classification Bulletin No. 85, containing the classifi-
cation  of Class    260, Chemistry, carbon     compounds,
through Order No. 3728, dated May 28, 1943, is now
available and may be purchased from the Commissioner
of Patents.

Notice of Cancellation
Richmond, Va., September 4, 1945.
Frank A. Mfnkler, his assigns or legal representatives
take notice:
A petition for cancellation having been filed in this
Ollice by  loffmiann-La  Roche, Inc., Nutley, N. J
to effect the cancellation of trade-mark registration ol
Frallk A. Milnkler, 4035 Tuxedo, Avenue, Detroit, Mich.,
No. 246.729, dated    September   11, 1928, and     the
notice of such proceeding sent by registered mail to the
sail Frank A. Minkler, at the said address, having been
returned by the post office as undeliverable, notice is
hereby given that unless said Frank A. Minkler, his as-
signs or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance
therein within thirty days from the first publication of
this order the cancellation will be proceeded with as in
the case of default. This notice will be published In the
OFFICIAL (AZEI'I for three consecutive weeks.
First Assistant Commissioncr.
Photostat Copies
lit ordering piotostat copies of United States alid for-
elgn patents, whe only the nulber of the patent Is given,
4tle whole p:tmnt, complrising specification aid drawing,
t-1 11 be furnisied unless the order specifically states that
the speciflelton only or drawing only Is required.
Care RIloltIl lIe tlken ti mlaking out orders for foreign
pa5tents to give the year of the patent, its In old French
a  British psi tents tlhe Same number may appear In
iifferent yea rs.
Applicant's Address
Tile reqirelment of Rule 33, that the post-offmce address
of the a pplictllt mIust he stated in the petition, ineans that
the applica'nt lust give the post-office address at which lie
customarily receives his nmail.
The rule was mlade il order thrit the Office In necessary
cases imight correspond directly with the applicant and not
through his attorney. The address of the attorney with
Istluctions to send conmunications to the applicant In Ilia
care will not- be accepted as a compliance with this rule..
Adverse Decisions in Interference
VWhere the claims of a patent are affected by adverse
decision or concession of priority as the result of an inter-
ference, a notice as to the patented clailms thus affected
will be-published in the OFFICIAL GAkETT after final
decision in tile proceedings.

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