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549 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1943)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0634 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 2,315,484 to 2,316,145




United States Patent Office

Vol. 549-No. 1                        TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1943                              Price-t16 per year
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office.
to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be addressed. Issued
weekly. Subscriptions, $16.00 per annum, Including annual index, $18.75; single numbers, 35 cents each.
PRINTED COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents'each. For the latter address the Commis.
sioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.
CIRCULARS OF GENERAL INFORMATION concerning PATENTS or TRADE-MARKS will be sent without cost on
request to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.

Isstr oF APRsL 6. 1943 -     .    ..------------------------------- I
ADJUDICATED PATENTS --------------------------------------- I
NOTICE OF CANCELLATION --------------------------------
DISCLAIMERS. ...-.--------------------------------------- 1
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION -------------------------- 2
In re Wahl ------------ ----------------------------- a
In re Schmidt et al ..  ..     ..------------------------------ 4
PATENT SUITS ..  ........................................... 6
REISSUES -------------------------  ---------------------- 29
PATENTS GRANTED-------        --------------------------- 80
DESINs. .................................---------------- 184
April 6, 1943
Trade-Marks -------  113--No. 400,814 to No. 400,920, inclusive.
T. M. Renewals.___   74
Reissues ------------  2-No.  -22.297 to No.  22,298. inclusive.
Patents ------------ 662-No. 2,315.484 to No. 2,316.145 inclusive.
Designs ------------  51-No. 135,404 to No. 135,454; inclusive.
Total --------- 902
Adverse Decisions in Interference
In interferences Involving the Indicated claims of the
following patents final decisions have been rendered that
the respectlvp patentees were not the first inventors with
respect to the claims listed.
Pat. 2.168.;5)08, R  Barthelemy. Relaxation oscillation
generator, decided March 6. 1943. claims 1, 2. and 5.
Pat. 2,215.380, R. C. Swain and D. W. Light. Bonded
abrasive, decided March 10, 1943, claims 1, 2, 3, and 4.
2,041,675.-William H. Frank and Joseph W. Harper,
Patent dated May 19. 1936. Diselaitnet tiled Nlaich 15,
1943. by the assignee. Bulldog Electric Products Co.
Hereby disclaims claim 13 of said patent.
2,059,988.-William H. Frank, Detroit. Mich. ELECTRICAL
DIsTrIBUTION ,SYsTEM.    'atelnt dated Noetuber 3,
1936.   Dlhlshinter filed Mlrch 15. 1943, by the as-
siguee. Iulldug Elet.tric Product. GO.
Hereby disclaims claim I of said patent.

Adjudicated Patents
(D. C. Del.)  Cooke patent, No. 1,614,455, for refrig-
erating apparatus, claims 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 19,
20. 24, and 26 to 30 Held invalid. Booth Fisheries Cor-
poration v. General Foods Corporation, 48 F. Supp. 313.
(D. C. Del.)   Birdseye patent, No. 1,773,079, for
method of preparing food products, claims 1, 4, 5, 6, 14,
16, 18, and 26 Held invalid, claims 30, 13, and 17 Held
valid, claims 10, 13, and 17 Held infringed by one certain
process and not Infringed by another.   Id.
(D. C. Del.)   Blrdseye patent, No. 1,773,080, for
animal food product, claims 1 and 2 Held invalid. Id.
(D. C. Del.)  Birdseye patent, No. 1,773,081, for re-
frigerating apparatus, claims 9, 11, 19, 20, 24, and 26
Held invalid. Id.
(D. C. Del.)   Barry patent, No. 1,822,121, for re-
frigerating apparatus, claims 6 to 12, inclusive, Held
invalid. Id.
(C. C. A. N. Y.) Blackburn patent, No. 1,826,499, for
lathing unit, Held not infringed. Franklin v.laso8ite
Corporation, 132 F.(2d) 800.
(D. C. Del.) Blrdseye and Hall patent, No. 1,905,131,
for refrigerating apparatus, claims 5. 6, 7, 10. 11, 13,
16, and 17 Held invalid. Booth Fisheries Corporation v.
G neral Foods Corporation, 48 F. Supp. 313.
(C. C. A. Ill.) Georgen patent, No. 1,926,092, for ap-
paratus for forming feed screws and Conveyers, claims 2
and 3 Held invalid.    Chicago Steel FoundrV Co. v.
Burnside Steel Foudry Co., 132 F.(2d) 812.
Notice of Cancellation
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, lcIthmond. Va., Aar. 11, 1948.
K-Nine Diner Corporation, its assigns or legal representa-
tives. take notice:
A petition for cancellation having been filed in this Office
by Lawrence A. l.ockwood, 232 E. Erie St., Chicago Ill
to effTct tile cancelltion of trade-tmlrk registration o
K-Nine Diner Corporation, 725 National City Bank Bldg.,
Euelll Ave. anid E. th St.. Cleveland, Ollio. No. 3.1-i.743,
dated February 22. 18. and ti1e notice of such proceeding
seat by registered malil to the said K-Ni Ditiler Corpora-
tion lit th.. said address Ihaving been relurnld by tile post
Oltice uIlilivt,r:l lilt. and s11  not(I aid  ie ilforwl rdld by regis-
ercd I lMil to sild K-Nine Diner Corporatlon at 234 Erie
St.. Toledo. 1)hit. Ilv'ing htll retunld by tile post o1ice
undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless said
K-Nill Illter Corporpration. its aesigns or I-gal reprt-senta-
lives, shall Il-lir ' ll aI ppell al'llIt  tllelli  willllin  tllirty  (ays
,froln tile first publicati Il of this order Mew caucellation will
be procteded with as In the ease of default. This notice
will be published in the OFFICIAL (AZE.rTE fOr three con-
secutive weeks.
First Assistant Commissioner.

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