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390 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1930)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0390 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,742,181 to 1,743,088






Vol. 390-No. 1                       TUESDAY, JANUARY            7, 1930                 Price-10 per year
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscription, $10.00 per annum; including annual indexes, $11.50; single numbers, 25 cents each.
PRINTED COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the
Commissioner of Patents. Washington, D. C.
LABELS will be sent without cost on request to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.

ISSUE O JANUARY 7, 1930 ---------------------------------- 1
ADJUDICATED PATENTS --------------------------------------- 1
ADVERSE DECISIONS IN INTERFERENCE -----------------------    1
INTERFERENCE NOTICE --------------------------------------- 1
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION -------------------------- 2
In re Merritt ---------------.---------------------------- 3
In re Welton and Wadsworth ----------------------------  3
In re Bayer ---------------------------------------------- 4
In re Hopkins ------------------------------------------  5
PATENT SUITS -------------------------------------------.    5
DISCLAIMER ---------------------------------------------- 6
TRADE-MARKS PUBLISHED (321 APPLICATIONS) ---------------     7
LABELS ------------------------------------------------------ 60
PRINTS ------------------------------------------------------- 61
REISSUES ----------------------------------------------------- 63
D ESIGNS. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. 66
PATENTS GRANTED --  ----------------------------------------- 76
Issue of January 7, 1930
Trade-Marks -------  357-No. 265,655 to No. 266,011, Inclusive.
T. M. Renewals ...   18
Labels ------------- 58-No.     36,863 to No.  36,920, inclusive.
Prints ------ -------  -6-No.   12,278 to No.  12,283, inclusive.
Reissues ------------ 11-No.    17,550 to No.  17,560, Inclusive.
Designs ------------ 47-No.     80,254 to No.  80,300, inclusive.
Patents ----------- 908-No. 1,742,181 to No. 1,743,088, inclusive.
Total --------- 1,392
Adjudicated Patents
(C. C. A. W. Va.) Sutton, Steele & Steele patent, No.
1.073,644, for separating table and process of separation,
Held valid and infringed.      Gulf Smokeless Coal Co. v.
Sutton, Steele d Steele, 35 F. (2d) 433.
(D. C. Del.) Weinberger patent, No. 1,193,093, for gar-
ment-pressing machine, claims 2 and 5 Held valid and in-
fringed. U. S. Hoffman Machinery Corporation v. Pantex
Pressing Mach., 35 F. (2d) 523.
(C. C. A. W. Va.) Sutton, Steele & Steele patent, No.
1,315,881, for process of and apparatus for separating and
grading material, Held valid and infringed. Gulf Smoke-
legs Coal Co. v. Sutton, Steele & Steele, 35 F. (2d) 433.
(D. C. Del.) Spencer patent, No. 1,326,982, for machine
for pressing garments, claims 2 and 4 Held invalid. U. S.
Hoffman Machinery Corporation v. Pantex Pressing Mach.,
35 F. (2d) 523.
(D. C. La.) Cahill patent, No. 1,603,580, for meter-
sealing means, Held Invalid. Cahill v. New Orleans Pub-
lic Service, 35 F. (2d) 534.

(D. C. Pa.) Lundin & McGhee patent, No. 1,648,554,
for measuring and dispensing machine, Held invalid.
American Machinery Co. V. Everedy Mach. Co., 35 F. (2d)
Adverse Decisions in Interference
In interferences involving the indicated claims of the
following patents final decisions have been rendered that
the respective patentees were not the first Inventors with
respect to the claims listed:
Pat. 1.568,458, A. W. Joyce, Vat dyes of the thiolndigo
series, decided November 19, 1929, claims 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,
and 8.
Pat. 1,626,834, G. A. Hull, Car-door-latching device,
decided October 25, 1929, claims 2, 5, and 6.
Pat. 1,647,503, T. W. Case, Reproducing amplifiers,
decided November 26, 1929, claims 3 and 4.
Pat. 1,652,582, W. B. Runyan, Jack, decided October 23,
1929, claim 1.
Pat. 1,692,622, 3. W. Bulmer, Manufacture of cellulose
acetate, decided November 16, 1929, claim 1.
Final decisions in interference have been rendered
against the following trade-marks:
T. M. 228,625, Window-shade cleaners, Red Dot Chemi-
cal Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Registered June 7,
1927. Decided September 4, 1929.
T. M. 232,826, Thinner for lacquer, J. C. Swimmer,
doing business as Standard Solvents Company, Brooklyn,
N. Y. Registered September 20, 1927. Decided Novem-
ber 26, 1929.
Interference Notice
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Dec. 10, 1920.
The Jos. Gentile Company, its assigns or legal representa-
tives, take notice:
An Interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of C. & G. Emerzian, 3211 Tulare
Street, Fresno, Calif. (doing business at Fresno and Mo-
desto, Calif.), for registration of a trnde-mark and trade-
mark registered December 29. 1925. No. 207.290, to The
Jos. Gentile Company, 1231 East Seventh Street. Los An-
geles, Calif., and a notice of such declaration sent by
registered mail to said The Jos. Gentile Company, at
the said address having been returned by the post office
undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless said The
Jos. Gentile ompany, its assigns or legal representatives,
shall enter an appearance therein within 30 days from
the first publication of this order the interference will be
proceeded with as in case of default. This notice will
be published in the OrICIA.L GAZETTE for three consecutive
First Assistant Commissioner.

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