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342 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1926)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0342 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,568,040 to 1,56S,053.

OF =
Vol. 342-No. 1.                  TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1926.                      Price-5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Goverrnent Printing
Office, to whom all subseriptiona should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette shculd be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscription, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
PRINTED COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the
Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.
LABELS will be sent without cost on request to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.

CONTENTS.                            Page.
ISSUE OF JANUARY 5, 1926 -----------------------------------  1
INTERFERENCE NOTICES -------------------------------------  1
NOTICE OF CANCELLATION -----------------------------------  1
ADOUDICATED PATENTS --------------------------------------
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION --------------------------2
Ex pate Durr ..........................................  3
The Cracker Jack Co. v. Aspegren & Co., Inc ..............3
Franklin Knitting Mills, Inc., v. Henry Sonnebern & Co.,
Inc .....................................................  4
PATENT SUITS ----------------------------------------------- 5
LABELS -...--------------------------------------------------- 5g
PRINTS ------------------------------------------------------- 58
REISSUES ---------------------------------------------------- 59
DESIGNS ---------------------------------------------------- 0
PATENTS GRANTED -----------------------------------------66
Issue of January 5, 1926.
Trade-Marks ....... 313-No. 207,437 to No. 207,749, inclusive.
T. M. Renewals .... 123
Labels .............  14-No.   29,738 to No.  29,751, inclusive.
Prints ..............  5-No.    8,4S5 to No.  8.489, inclusive.
Reissues ...........  6-No.   16,240 to No   16,245, inclusive.
Designs ............  26--No.  69,170 to No.  69,195, inclusive.
Patents ............ 914-No. 1,568.04 to No. 1,568,953, inclusive.
Total ........ 1,401
Interference Notices.
U. S. PATENT.OFFICE, Washington, Dec. 5, 1925.
Continental Candy Company, its assigns or legal repre-
sentatives, take notice.
An interference has been declared by this Office between
the application of Hawley & Hoops, of 271 Mulberry
Street, New    York, N. Y., for registration of a trade-
mark   and   trade-mark   registered  June 15, 1913, No.
92,571, to Novelty Candy Company, of 346 Claremont
Avenue    Jersey City, N. J.    The assignment records of
this Olce show that said trade-mark was assigned to
Continental Candy Company, of 37 Wall Street, New
York, N. Y., and because of prima facie evidence in the
record to the effect that Continental Candy Company
Is no longer in business, notice is hereby given that un-
less said Continental Candy Company, Its assigns or legal
representatives, shall enter an appearance therein within
30 days from the first publication of this order the in-
terference will be proceeded with as in case of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
WM. A. KINNAN, Acting Commissioner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Dec. 8, 1925.
Hudson Condensed Milk Co., Inc., its assigns or legal
representatives, take notice:
An interference having been declared by this Office
between the application of The United Dairy Company
Inc., Barnesville, Onlo. for registration of a trade-mark
and trade-mark registered February 23, 1915, No. 102,799,
to Hudson Condensed Milk Co., inc., .81 Fulton Street.
New York, N. Y., and a notice of such declaration sent
by registered mail to said Hudson Condensed Milk Co.,

Inc., at the said address having been returned by the
post office as undeliverable, notice iM hereby given that
unless said Hudson Condensed Milk Co., Inc., shall enter
an appearance therein within 30 days from the first
publication of this order the interference will be pro-
ceeded with as in case of default. This notice will he
published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE for three consecutive
WM. A. KINNAN, Acting Commissioner.
Notice of Cancellation.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Deo. 11, 1925.
Sol Brothers' & Co., their assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
A cancellation proceeding having been instituted by
this Office upon the application of The Yale and Towne
Mfg. Co., 9 East Fortieth Street, New York, N. Y., to
effect the cancellation of the trade-mark registration of
Son Brothers & Co., doing business at 2124 Broadway,
San Francisco, Calif., and in Meriden, Conn., under the
name of Yale Cutlery Co., No. 58,930, dated December 25,
1906, and the notice of such proceeding sent by registered
mail to the said Son Brothers & Co. at the said addresses
having been returned by the post office as undeliverable,
notice Is hereby given that unless said Son Brothers &
Co., their assigns or legal representatices, shall enter an
appearance therein within 30 days from the first publica-
tion of this order the cancellation will be proceeded with
as in case of default. This notice will be published In
the OFFICIAL GAZETTE for three consecutive weeks.
WM. A. KINNAN, Acting Commissioner.
(C. C. A. Del.) The Johnson patent, No. 946,442,
relating to talking machine with amplifying horn
inclosed in cabinet with doors to regulate sound,
claim  19 Held invalid for anticipation.      Victor
Talking Machine Co. v. Brunswick-Balke-Collender
Co., 8 F. (2d) 41.
(C. C. A. N. Y.) The Cushman patent, No.
962,946, for nozzle, Held invalid. Hayes Pump &
Planter Co. v. Friend Mfg. Co., 8 F. (2d) 33.
(D. C. N. J.)       The   Oscanyan   patent, No.
1,321,940, for baseball board, claims 11, 12, 21,
23, and 24 Held valid and infringed. Star Ball
Player Co. v. Baseball Display Co., 8 F. (2d) 46.
(C. C. A. Del.)      The Browning patent, No.
1,402,738, relating to talking machine with horn
inclosed in cabinet with doors to regulate sound,
claim 1 Held invalid for abandonment. Victor
Talking Machine Co. v. Brunswick-Balke-Collender
Co., 8 F. (2d) 41.

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