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329 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1924)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0329 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,517,240 to 1,518,126.
Vol. 329-No. 1.                 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1924.                       Price-$5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
PRINTED COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the
Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.
LABELS will be sent without cost on request to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.

OONTENTS               .             Page.
ISSUE OF DECEMBER 2, 1924..                                 1
PATENTS UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH 31 883...............1
DISCLAIMER  ..................................................  I
ADJUDICATED PATENTS .......................................  1
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION ..........................   2
Ex parte John...    ................................. 3
Hayde v. Croll v. Boynton v. Larson ......................  3
Ex  parts  Ball .............................................  4
Shaffer v. Neilson .........................................  5
Ex parte Stone and Frost ................................  7
Ex  parts Bonnelycke .....................................  7
Ex  parts  Sweetland  ......................................  8
State Oil Company v. The Hickok Producing Company..     9
Hazard  v. Tefft ...........................................  11
Interwoven Stocking Company v. David Harris & Eisner.   11
Sawyer Biscuit Company v. Robert A. Johnston Co ......  12
PATENT SUITS......................................         13
INTERFERENCE   NOTICES......................................  14
NOTICE  OF  CANCELLATION ....................................  14
TRADE-MARK REGISTRATIONS GRANTED ......................    55
TRADE-MARK REGISTRATIONS RENEWED .....................     67
LABELS  ......................................................  67
PRINTS      ............................................67
REISSUES..         . ..........................            69
DESIGNS.................       .......................... 69
PATENTS GRANTED ............         .  ...............S---  83
Issue of December 2, 1924.
Trade-Marks ....... 256-No. 192,239 to No. 192,491, inclusive.
T. M. Renewals ....   9
Labels .............  13-No.   27,899 to No.  27,911, inclusive.
Prints ..............  1-No.    7,800.
Reissues ............  2-No.   15,956 to No.  15,957, inclusive.
Designs ............  66-No.   66,107 to No.  66,172, inclusive.
Patents ............ 887-No. 1,517,240 to No. 1,518,126, inclusive.
Total ......... 1234
Patents Under the Act of March 3, 1883.
Order No. 2,887. November 18, 1924.
Under the act of March 3, 1883, a patent can be issued
without fee only to an officer of the Government, for an
invention used, or to be used, in the public service, and
where there Is embodied in the specification a statement
that the invention described may be used by. the Govern-
ment or any of its officers or employees in prosecution
of work for the Government or by any other persons in
the United States without the payment to me [or us]
of any royalty thereon.
The inventor need not be an officer of the Government,
but an application may be filed under this act by one
who is not an officer if it Is accompanied by an assign-
ment of the entire interest to an officer of the Govern-
nrent, with a request that the patent issue to him, and the
other conditions of the act are complied with. An assign-
ment to the Government of the Unitej States or to an
officer of the Government as trustee for anyone except
the people of the United States or the Government of
the United States will not comply with the act.
Every application should be accompanied by a state-
nient of the head of the department or the head of the
bureau in which the inventor, if he be an officer of the

Government, is employed, or in which the officer to whom
the application is assigned Is employed, that such In-
ventor or assignee is an officer of the Government, and
that the invention is used or to be used in the public
service. The dedication in the words of the statute
should be included in the specification, and if the in-
ventor is not an officer of the Government there should
be placed of record in the application a like dedication
from the officer to whom the patent is to be issued.
If from the papers as filed it appears that the in-
ventor or the assignee is an officer of the Government
and the dedication is in the specification, a serial number
and filing date will be given, and the Examiner in the
first action will require the other formalities, if any be
missing, to be complied with.
The final grant of the patent shall include a statement
to the effect, Provided, however, that the said invention
may be used by the Government, or any of its officers or
employees in prosecution of work for the Government,
or by any other person in the United States, without the
paynent of any royalty thereon.
When the patent is issued the publication in the OF-
FICIAL GAZETTIE shall include the statement : Granted
iunder the act of March 3, 1883 ; 22 Stat. L. 625.
Assistant Commissioner.
1,253,820.-Glbert F. Helson, New York, N. Y. APPA-
15, 1918. Disclaimer filed November 18, 1924, by the
assignee, Standard Automatic Machine Co.
Hereby enters this disclaimer to claim 1 In said patent,
which claim is in the following words, to wit:
 1. In an apparatus for filling bottles, the combination
of a supply reservoir, delivery tubes tubular connections
between the same and the supply reservoir, an overflow
receptacle, a pipe leading therefrom having branches ex-
tending to the lower ends of the respective delivery tubes
and adjacent thereto, an adjustable support for the bottles,
means for raising said support and thereby bringing the
end of one of said delivery tubes and one of said branches
into the mouth of each bottle, means for exhausting the
air from the overflow receptacle and creating a vacuum In
said branches, bottles, delivery tubes and connections
therefrom to the supply reservoir, whereby the filling
material is drawn into the bottles by suction and any
surplus drawn from the delivery tubes into said branches
and conveyed directly to the overflow receptacle.
(D. C. N. Y.)    The Lyon patent. No. 1,198,246,
for motor-vehicle buffer, Held not infringed. Lyonl
v. Bob, 1 Fed. Rep. (2d) 48.
(C. C. A. Ohio.) The White patent, No. 1,237.432,
for intercepter to prevent overlubrication in in-
ternal-combustion engines, Held invalid. White v.
Peerless Motor Car Co., 1 Fed. Rep. (2d) 10.

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