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325 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1924)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0325 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,503,461 to 1,504,200.
Rnite0 statrs Vatrut offirt.
Vol. 325-No. 1.                 TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1924.                     Price-$5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTB is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions. $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
PRINTED COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the
Commissioner of Fatents, Washington, D. C.
LABELS will be sent without cost on request to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.



ISSUE OF AUGUST 5, 1924 ....................................
ATTORNEYs-DIS BARM ENT ...................................
INTERFERENCE NOTICES .....................................
ADIUDICATED PATENTS ......................................
DE)cisioNs OF THE U. S. CouRTs--
Hammer v. RobertSon, Commissioner of Patents .........
In  re  Hammer ............................................
Eversharp Pencil Company v. American Safety Razor Cor-
poration ................................................
Smithey v. Robertson, Commissioner of Patents ..........
PATENT   SUISTS ...............................................
DISCLAIMERS .................................................
LABELS ...      ........ ...................................
R EISSUES  .....................................................
DESIGNS .       ........................................
PATENTS GRsANTED...........................................


Issue of August 5, 1924.
Trade-Marks ....... 308-No. 187,367 to No. 187,674, inclusive.
Labels ..............  24-No.  27,670 to No. - 27,693, inclusive.
Prints ..............  20-No.  7,533 to No.  7,552, inclusive.
Reissues ............  6-No.  15,883 to No.  15,888, inclusive.
Designs ............  28-No.  65,354 to No.  65,391, inclusive.
Patents ............ 740-No. 1,503,461 to No. 1,504,200, inclusive.
Total ......... 1126
(ORDER No. 2,868.)
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, June 4, 1924.
Acting under the provisions of section 487 of the Re-
vised Statutes of the United States, as amended February
18, 1922, Mr. William H. Mulligan, of 627 R. I. Hospital
Trust Building, Providence, R. I., whose registration nrm-
ber Is 10,963, has this day been disbarred from practice
before the United States Patent Office.
Interference Notices.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, July 10, 1924.
John H. Coyle, his assigns or legal representatives, take
An interference has been declared by this Office between
the application of the Medico-Dental Specialty Co., 238
Broadway, San Diego, Calif., for registration of a trade-
mark and trade-mark registered July 22, 1902, No. 38,645,
to John   F. Coyle, Thomasville, Ga. The Office having
been unable to secure service upon said Coyle, notice is
hereby given that unless said Coyle, his assigns or legal
representatives, shall enter an appearance therein within
30 days from the first publication of this order the inter-
ference will be proceeded with as in case of default. This
notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTrEr for three
consecutive weeks.
WM. A. KINNAN. Acting Commisstoner.

U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, July 17, 1924.
William 1. Dunham, his assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
An Interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy, 33 East Seventeenth
Street, New York, N. Y., for registration of a trade-mark
and trade-mark registered January 21, 1919, No. 124,192,
to William P. Dunham, 501 Fifth Avenue, New York,
N. Y., and a notice of such declaration sent by registered
mail to said William P. Dunham at the said address hav-
ing been returned by the post-office authorities as unde-
liverable, notice is hereby given that unless said William
P. Dunham, his assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance therein within 30 days from the
first publication of this order the Interference will be
proceeded with as In case of default. This notice will be
published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE for three consecutive
WM. A. KINNAN, Acting Commissioner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, July 21, 1924.
The Vim Medicine Co., its assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
An Interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween J. P. Miller, Box 56, Port Gibson, Miss., for regis-
tration of a trade-mark and trade-mark registered Febru-
ary 28, 1905, No. 44.243, to The Vim Medicine Co., 510
National Union Building, Toledo, Ohio, and a notice of
such declaration sent by registered mail to The Vim Medicine
Co. at the said address having been returned by the post
office undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless The
Vim Medicine Co., its assigns or legal representatives,
shall enter an appearance therein within 30 days from
the first publication of this order the interference will be
proceeded with as in case of default. This notice will be
published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE for three consecutive
WM. A. KINNAN, Acting Commissioner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, July 21, 1924.
American Chemical Go., its assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
An Interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the Waverly Oil Works Company, Fifty-fourth
Street and Allegheny Valley Railroad, Pittsburgh, Pa., for
registration of a trade-mark and trade-mark registered
August 6, 1895, No. 26,907, to the American Chemical Co.,
Minneapolis, Minn., and a notice of such declaration sent
by registered mail to the American Chemical Co. at the
said address having been returned by the post office unde-
liverable, notice is hereby given that unless the American
Chemical Co., its assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance therein within 30 days from the first
publication of this order the interference will be proceeded
with as in case of default. This notice will be published
in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE for three consecutive weeks.
WM. A. KINNAN, Acting Commissioner.
(C. C. A. Mich.) The Herzog patent, No. 919,351,
for a mechanism to automatically feed boards into
planers, claims 1 and 5 Held valid and Infringed.
Monroe Body Co. v. Herzog, 298 Fed. Rep, 423.

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