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321 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1924)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0321 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,488,461 to 1,4S9.228.
Vol. 321-No. 1.                   TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1924.                     Price-$5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
PRINTED COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the
Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.
LABELS will be sent without cost on request to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.

CO NTE NTS.                          Page.
ISSUE  OF  AP IL 1, 1924 .......................................  1
INTERFERENCE NOTICES ......................................  I
NOTICES 0 CANCELLATION ..................................  1
ADVERSE DECISIONS IN INTERFERENCE ......................    1
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION ..........................   2
Dennis v. Karns. Dennis v. Darrin ......................  3
Universal Arch Co. v. American Arch Co. American Arch
Co. v. Universal Arch Co ................................  3
Concrete Appliances Co. et al. v. Gomery et al .............  4
ADJUDICATED PATENTS ......       .......................  8
PATENT SUITS .....................   ...................  8
TRADE-MARKS CANCELED ....................................
TRADE-MARK REGISTRATIONS GRANTED ......................    39
TRADE-MA R  REGISTRATIONS RENEWED .....................   53
LABELS .....................................................  54
PRINTS  ......................................... .............  54
REISSUES ....................................................  .55
DESIGNS................                              ....  57
PATENTS GRANTED.....................                       67
Issue of April 1, 1924.
Trade-Marks ....... 350--No. 181,896 to No. 182,245, Inclusive.
T. M. Renewals ....   5
Labels .............  27-No.   27,130 to No.  27,156, inclusive.
Prints ..............  9-No.    7,260 to No.  7,263, inclusive.
Reissues ...........  8-No.    15,803 to No.  18,610, inculsive.
Designs ...........  52-No.    64,331 to No.  64,382, inclusive.
Patents ............ 768-No. 1,488,461 to No. 1,489,228, Inclusive.
Total ......... 1219
Interference Notices.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Mar.       , 1924.
Loheide Manufacturing Company, its assigns or legal rep-
resentatives, take notice:
An Interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween John W. Surbrug, of 12 Duane Street, New York,
N. Y., for registration of a trade-mark and trade-mark
registered February 23, 1915, No. 102,841, to Lohelde
Manufacturing Company, of 300 South Fourth Street,
St. Louis, Mo., and a notice of such declaration sent by
registered mail to said Loheide Manufacturing Company
at the said address having been returned by the post-office
authorities as undeliverable, notice Is hereby given that
unless said Loheide Manufacturing Company, its assigns
or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance therein
within 30 days from the first publication of this order
the interference will be proceeded with as in case of de-
fault. This notice will be published In the OFFICIAL
GAZETTE for three consecutive weeks.
KARL FENNING, Acting Commissloner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Mar. 15, 1924.
Mae Caesar Porter, her assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:'
An interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of Wythe D. Sims, 1120 Cullom
Street, Birmingham, Ala., for registration of a trade-mark
and trade-mark registered December 27, 1921, No. 150,061
to Mae Caesar Porter, 1717 Hall Street, Dallas, Tex., and
a notice of such declaration sent by registered mail to
said Mae Caesar Porter at the said address having been
returned by the post office as undeliverable notice is
hereby given that unless said Mae Caesar Porter, her

assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance
therein within 30 days from the first publication of this
order the interference will be proceeded with as in case of
default. This notice will be published in the OTYICIAL
GAZETTE for three consecutive weeks.
KARL FENNING, Acting Commissioner.
Notices of Cancellation.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Mar. 22, 1924.
Eugene Byrnes, his assigns or legal representatives, take
A cancellation proceeding having been instituted by
this Office upon the application of Jacob Marmur, of
74-76 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y., to effect the cancel-
lation of the trade-mark registration of Eugene Byrnes,
of 8 West Fortieth Street, New York, N. Y., No. 148,370,
dated November 15, 1921, and the notice of such proceed-
Ing sent by registered mail to the said Eugene Byrnes at
the said address having been returned by the post-office
authorities as undeliverable, notice is hereby given that
unless said Eugene Byrnes, his assigns or legal representa-
tives, shall enter an appearance therein within 30 days
from the first publication of this order the cancellation
will be proceeded with as in case of default. This notice
will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE for three con-
secutive weeks.
KARL FENNING, Acting Commissioner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Mar. 24, 1924.
The Baby Outfitters, their assigns or legal representa-
tives, take notice:
A cancellation proceeding having been instituted by
this Office upon the application of D. W. Kaatze Co., Inc.,
of .255 Warwick Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., to effect the
cancellation of the trade-mark registration of The Baby
Outfitters, of 37 West Twenty-first Street New York,
N. Y., No. 108,679, dated February 22, 1616, and the
notice of such proceeding sent by registered mail to the
said The Baby Outfitters at the said address having been
returned by the post office undeliverable, notice is hereby
given that unless said The Baby Outfitters, their assigns
or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance therein
within 30 days from the first pulication of this order
the cancellation will be proceeded with as in case of
default. This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL
GAZETTE for three consecutive weeks.
KARL FENNING, Acting Commissioner.
In interferences involving the indicated claims
of the following patents final decisions have been
rendered that the respective patentees were not the
first inventors with respect to the claims listed:
Pat. 1,373,402, C. C. Blake, Shank-lasting ma-
chine, decided January 19, 1924, claims 1 and 3.
Pat. 1,408,842, C. W. Svenson, Coaster brake, de-
cided March 12, 1924, claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Pat. 1,442,614, J. E. Hooker, Interlocked shingle,
decided February 9, 1924, claims 1, 2, and 8.

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