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309 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1923)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0309 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,450,163 to 1,450.905.
Vol. 309-No. 1.                        TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1923.                          Price-S5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the Commissioner
of Patents, Washington, D. C.

CO0N TEN TS.                     Page.
ISSUE  OF  APRIL  3, 1923 .......................................  1
ADJUDICATED  PATENTS .......... ............................  1
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ...................................  I
DRAWINGS ..............................................  1
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION ..........................  2
Droitcour v. Kelly .....................................   3
Lewis v. Strom  ........................................
PATENT SUITS ....................................
CHANGES IN CLASSIFICATION .........................  5
LABELS .............. ............... . ................  58
PRINTS ........................... ............................  58
REISSUES ..................................................... 59
DESIGNS...............                              60
PATENTS GRANTED.............. 67
Issue of April 3, 1923.
Trade-Marks ....... 192-No. 166,340 to No. 166,531, inclusive.
Labels .............. 32-No.  25,772 to No. 25,803, inclusive.
Prints ..............  S-No.  6,630 to No.  6,637, inclusive.
Reissues ............  6-No.  15,568 to No.  15,573, inclusive.
Designs ............ 2--No.  62,161 to No. 62,168, inclusive.
Patents ............ 743-No. 1,450,163 to No. 1,450,905, inclusive.
Total ........  1009
(U. S. D. C. Pa.) Jost patent, 771,018, for im-
proved oil-burning lamp, valid and infringed. Jost
v. Borden Stove Co., 285 Fed. Rep., 626.
(U. S. C. C. A. Pa.)      Patent 1,296,610, claims
12 and 13, for balancing machine, Held not infringed.
Akimoff v. Dynamic Balancing Mach. Co., 285 Fed.
Rep., 480.
(U. S. C. C. A. Pa.) Patent 1,296,610, claims 15
and 16, and 1,296.606, claims 21, 22, 23, 26, 29. for
balancing machine, Held void as unduly broad, in-
definite or unverified amendments. Akitoff v. DV-
namic Balancing Mach. Co., 285 Fed. Rep., 480.
(U. S. D. C. N. Y.) De Simone patent, 1,318,135,
for mechanism adapted for controlling a series of
registers or indicators, not infringed. New York
Calculating Mach. Co. v. International Money Mach.
Co., 285 Fed. Rep., 635.
Pat. 1,420,551, Working-barrel tube, has been
involved in an interference and a decision ren-
dered February 24, 1923, that the patentee is not
the first inventor of the subject matter covered by
claims 1, 2, and 3 of said patent, and no appeal
having been taken such decision has become final.

Important Information.
In ordering manuscript copies much time will be saved
if the order states specifically what is desired, viz:
Application as originally filed. (Petition, specification,
oath, and drawings as received.)   Application as
amended. (Petition, specification, oath, and drawings
with amendments entered.)
Application as allowed. (Petition, specification, oath,
and drawings as passed by the Examiner for issue.)
Original application. (Facsimile petition, specification,
oath, and drawings at present time.)
Specification as originally filed. (As received in Office.)
Specification as amended. (With amendments entered.)
Specification as allowed. (As passed by the Examiner
for issue.)
Original specification. (Facsimile at present time.)
File-wrapper. (File-wrapper only.)
File-wrapper and contents. (File-wrapper, contents of
record, including photoprints of any tracings or of
prints within file-wrapper. In patented cases, printed
copy of the specification and drawings of the patent
is furnished.)
File-wrapper, contents, and drawings. (File - wrapper
and all of the contents of record, including photo-
prints of any tracings, exhibits, or prints within the
file-wrapper. In pending cases, photoprints of the
pending drawings only, omitting any canceled. If
patented, copy of the specification and drawings of
the patent being furnished, photoprints are not made
of the original drawings unless specially ordered. If
canceled drawings are wanted, they must also be
specially ordered.)
Assignment. (Give the liber and page of the record as
well as the name of the inventor.)
Printed publications In possession of the Office. (Give
title and date of publication, also page and exact
portion to be copied.)
Orders for copies of any other records not mentioned
above must state specifically the exact paper to be copied.
RULE 38.
38. When there are drawings, the description will refer
to the different views by figures and to the different parts
by letters or numerals, (preferably the latter.)
(f) The different views should be consecutively numbered.
Letters and figures of reference must be carefully
formed. They should, if possible, measure at least one-
eighth of an inch in height, so that they may bear re-
duction to one twenty-fourth of an Inch; and they may
be much larger when there is sufficient room. They
must be so placed in the close and complex parts of
drawings as not to interfere with a thorough compre-
hension of the same, and therefore should rarely cross
or mingle with the lines. When necessarily grouped
around a certain part, they should be placed at a little
distance, where there is available space, and connected
by short lines with the parts to which they refer and
by short broken lines when the number or letters refers
to parts shown in dotted lines. They should not be
placed upon shaded surfaces, and when it Is difficult to
avoid this, a blank space must be left in the shading
where the letter occurs, so that it shall apppear per-
fectly distinct and separate from the work. If the same
part of an Invention appear in more than one view of
the drawing it must always be represented by the same
character, and the same character must never be usea
to designate different parts.
It is suggested that numerals or letters be used
without exponents.

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