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305 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1922)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0305 and id is 1 raw text is: Patonts Nos. 1,437,388 to 1,438,163.


Vol. 305-No. 1.                   TUESDAY, DECEMBER             5, 1922.             Price-$5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 1. cents each. For the latter, address the Commissioner
of Patents, Washington, D. C.

CONTENTS.                          Page.
ISSUE  OF  DECEMBER  5, 1922..................................  1
INTERFERENCE NOTICES ...............   .................  1
APPLICATIONS UNDER ExAMINATION...................... 2
PATENTS GRANTED..............                           3
REISSUES...                           ................159
DESIGNS.......                                 ......................  ..........10
TRADE-MARK REGISTRATIONS GRANTED...................... 195
LABELS ....          ....................................... 205
PRINTS...........         ................................. 205
Ex parte Tauern and Lyon......................... 207
Bungay  v. Grey....:-..........................   207
ADJUDICATED  PATENTS...............     ..............  209
PATENT  SUITS...........................-........     210
CHANGES IN CLASSIFICATION- ----------------   -....... 210
Issue of December 5, 1922.
Patents ............. 776-No. 1,437,388 to No. 1,438,163, inclusive.
Designs .............  9-No.  61,701 to No.  61,709, inclusive.
Trade-Marks ........ 155-No. 162,027 to No. 162,181, inclusive.
Labels............... 13-No.  25,391 to No.  25,403, inclusive.
Prints -..............  5-No.  6,452 to No.  6,456, inclusive.
Reissues............. 5-No.  15,499 to No.  15,504, inclusive.
T. M. Renewals .....  1
Total.......... 965
Interference Notices.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Nov. 24, 1922.
Gerson, Jacobson di Co., its assigns or legal representa-
tives, take notice:
An interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of Wozniak & Company, 1049-51
North Paulina Street, Chicago, Ill., for registration of a
trade-mark and trade-mark registered August 6, 1907,
No. 64,358, to Gerson, Jacobson & Co., 23-29 Washington
Place, New York, N. Y., and a notice of such declaration
sent by registered mail to Gerson, Jacobson & Co. at the
said address having been returned by the post office as
undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless Gerson,
Jacobson & Co., its assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance therein within thirty days from the
first publication of this order the interference will be
proceeded with as in case of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
Acting Commissioner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Nov. 16, 1922.
William A. Easterday, his assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
An Interference having been declared by this Office
between the application of L. R. Steel Company, Inc., 323
Washington Street, Buffalo, N. Y., for registration of a
trade-mark and trade-mark registered August 31, 1920,
No. 134,357. to William A. Easterday, 518 Tenth Street
NW., Washington, D. C., and prima facie evidence being
In the record to the effect that R. Norman Cadle and
William F. Schlesinger are the owners of registration
No. 134,357, and they having failed to intervene on
behalf of said Easterday. notice is hereby given that
unless said William A. Easterday, his assigns or legal

representatives, shall enter all appearance therein within
thirty days from the first publication of this order the
interference will be proceeded with as in case of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTB
for three consecutive weeks.
Acting Commissioner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Nov. 20, 1922.
Marblecrete Products Co., its assigns or legal representa-
tives, take notice:
An interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of Leander Douglas Harter, 1912-14
West Main Street, Oklahoma, Okla., for registration of
a trade-mark and trade-mark registered October 6, 1908,
No. 70,798, to Marblecrete Products Co., 7 Thomas Block.
Akron, N. Y., and a notice of such declaration sent by
registered mail to said Marblecrete Products Co. at the
said address having been returned by the post office un-
deliverable, notice is hereby given that unless said
Marblecrete Products Co., its assigns or legal representa-
tives, shall enter an appearance therein within thirty
days from the first publication of this order the inter-
ference will be proceeded with as in case of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
Acting Commissioner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Nov. 21, 1922.
Mendelson Bros., Inc., its assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
An interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of Muser Brothers, Broadway,
Fifth Avenue, and Twenty-seventh Street, New York,
N. Y., for registration of a trade-mark and trade-mark
registered September 24, 1907, No. 65,451, to Mendelson
Bros., Inc., 439-443 Turk Street, San Francisco, Calif.,
and a notice of such declaration sent by registered mail
to saild Mendelson Bros., Inc., at the said address having
been returned by the post office undeliverable, notice is
hereby given that unless said Mendelson Bros., Inc., its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance
therein within thirty days from the first publication of
this order the interference will be proceeded with as in
case of default.
This notice will be published in the OrFICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
Acting Commissioner.
Adverse Decisions in Interference.
PATENT No. 1,330,567.
On November 4, 1922, a decision was rendered that
Lionel M. Wolfsohn (now by judicial change of name
Lionel M. Woolson) was not the first inventor of the sub-
ject matter covered by claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 of
his Patent No. 1,330,b67, subject, Electrical apparatus
for automobiles, and no appeal having been taken within
the time allowed such decision has become final.
PATENT No. 1,343,462.
On November 4, 1922, a decision was rendered that
Edward A. Mellinger was not the first inventor of the
subject matter covered by claims 70, 71, and 108 of his
Patent No. 1,343,462, subject, Telephone-exchange auto-
matic switching system, and no appeal having been
taken within the time allowed such decision has become

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