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304 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1922)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0304 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,434,358 to 1,13.5,141.


Vol. 304-- No. 1.                  TUESDAY, NOVEMBER              7, 1922.             Price-$5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the Commissioner
of Patents. Washington, D. C.

CONTENTS.                           Page.
ISSUE OF NOVEMBEB 7, 1922 ................................  I
DIS    ERES  ............................. . . .---------------- -- -  1
INTERrERENCE  NOTICES .......... ............................  I
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION ..........................   2
PATENTS  GRANTED  ...........................................  3
REISSUES .....................................................  162
DESIGNS  ......................................................  163
T ADE-MARKS PUBLISHED (265 APPLICATIONS) ............... 169
TRADE-MARK REGISTRATIONs GRANTED...................... 211
LABELS ...................            ...     ......... 229
PRINTS .....--------------------------------           230
Ex  parte Higinbotham  ...................................  231
Leonard  v. Everett ......................................  232
Scott v. Longtin  et al .....................................  233
ADJUDICATED  PATENTS ......................................  234
PATENT  SUITS  ................................................  234
Issue of November 7, 1922.
Patents ............ 784-No. 1,434,338 to No. 1,435,141, inclusire.
Designs ............ 19-No.    61,637 to No.  61,65, inclusive.
Trade-Marks ....... 356-No. 181,034 to No. 161,389, inclusive.
Labels ...........  17-No.   25,242 to,No.  25,258, inclusive.
Prints ..............  20-No.   6,381 to No.  6,400, inclusive.
Reissues ...........  3-No.    15,485 to No.  15,487, inclusive.
Total ........ 1199
1,121,638-Alfred G. F. Kurowski, Brooklyn, N. Y. TYPE-
WRITING MACHINE. Patent dated December 22, 1914.
Disclaimer filed October 21, 1922, by the assignee,
Undericood Typewriter Company.
Hereby enters this disclaimer, to wit:
As to claim 11 of said Letters Patent, any construction
thereof, or employment as part of the subject-matter
thereof, wherein or whereby the hands, referred to in said
claim, either ;-are not adjustable longitudinally of the
platen, while attached thereto; or-are not connected di-
rectly to the peripheral surface of the platen within the
purport of the decision of the Law Examiner of the United
States Patent Office, rendered July 21, 1915, in a patent
interference proceeding, No. 38,484, entitled  Kurowski
v. Steele.
1,245,501.-Henry L. Pitman, Pineville, Ky.        COMBINED
dated November 6, 1917.       Disclaimer filed October
19, 1922, by the assignee, Underwood Computing Ma-
chine Company.
Hereby enters this disclaimer, to wit:
As to claim 28 of said Letters Patent, any construction
thereof, or employment as part of the subject-matter
thereof, wherein or whereby the  additional driving con-
nections, mentioned therein, are not direct connections
from the numeral keys to the carry-over mechanism; or
does not involve a direct rather than an indirect action of
such additional driving connections by power coming from
the key-levers, within the purport of the decision, rendered
December 11, 1919, by the Board of Examiners-in-Chief, of
the United States Patent Office, in a patent interference
proceeding, No. 42,049, entitled Pitman v. Goldberg.

1,297,724.-Walter A. Patrick, Baltimore, Md. SILICA
March 18, 1919. Disclaimer filed October 12, 1922,
by the assignee, The Silica Gel Corporation.
Hereby enters its disclaimer of claims 1 to 7, inclusive,
of said patent.
Interference Notices.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, Wohington, Oct. 1, 1922.
John D. Walker, his assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
An interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of Geo. Fehl Blue Ribbon Cigar
Co., 506 Market St., St. Louis, Mo., for registration of a
trade-mark and trade-mark registered February 18, 1908,
No. 67,775. to John D. Walker. Lexington, Fayette
County, Ky., and a notice of such declaration sent by
registered mall to said Walker lit the said address having
been returned by the post office undeliverable, notice is
wereby given that unless said Walker, his assigns or
legal representatives, shall enter an appearance therein
'ithin thirty days from the first publication of this
order the interference will be proceeded with as in case
of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
Acting Commissioier.
U. S. I'ATENT OFFICE, Wgashington, Oct. 16, 1922.
Lawrence M. Tully, his assign, or legal representatives,
take notice:
An interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of The Citizens' Wholesale Supply
Co., Mt. Vernon, Grant Ave., and Edward Sts., in the
city of Columbus, county of Franklin, and State of Ohio,
for registration of a trade-mark and trade-mark reg-
istered February 14, 1922. No. 151,983, to Lawrence M.
Tully, 1547 Oak Street, Oakland, California, and the Office
having failed to secure satisfactory service upon the
registrant, notice is hereby given that unless said Law-
rence M. Tully, his assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance therein within thirty days from the
first publication of this order the interference will be
proceeded with as in case of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
First Assistant Commissioner.
U. S. PATENT OFFICE, IVashiaglton, Oct. 27, 1922.
Cornelius J. Manix, his assigns or h,.at rcpr(scnalti cs,
take notice:
An interference having been declared by this Offie,, be-
tween the application of The Star Oil Company, 342-348
North Irving Avelue, Chicago, Ill., for registration of a
trade-mark and trade-mark registered February 24. 1903,
No. 39.S4S. to Cornelius J. Manix. 603 Society for Satings
Building. Cleveland. Ohio. and the Office having failed to
secure service upon the registrant, notice is hereby given
that unless said Cornelius J. Manix, his assigns or legal
representatives, shall enter an appearance therein within
thirty days from the first publication of this order the
Interference will be proceeded with as in case of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
Comm ll ission er.

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