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302 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1922)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0302 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,427,766 to 1,42S,.' 1.
Vol. 302-No. 1.                  TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER             5, 1922.             Price-5 per year.
Th. OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum: single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the Commissioner
of Patents, Washington, D. C.

CONTE NTS.                         Page.
ISsUE OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1922 .................................  1
ADVERSE DECISIONS IN INTERFERENCE ......................   1
APPLICANT'S  ADDRESS ........................................  1
INTERFERENCE   DEFINED .....................................  1
AMENDMENTS TO AMENDMENTS ..............................     I
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION ..........................   2
PATENTS  GRANTED ...........................................  3
REISSUES ............................. 153
D ESIGNS ......................................................  155
TRADE-MNARK REGISTRATIONS GRANTED ...................... 187
TRADE-MARK REGISTRATIONS RENEWED ..................... 196
LABELS ................................................. 197
PRINTS .......................................................  198
Ex parte Fesenmeier .....................................  199
Jessurun v. Peerless Light Co .......................  200
ADJUDICATED PATENTS ....................................... 201
PATENT SUITS ............................................ 201
INTERFERENCE NOTICES...................................   202
Issue of September 5, 1922.
Patents ............ 746--No. 1,427,766 to No. 1,42S,511, inclusive.
Desig        .      27-No.    61,432 to No.  61,458, inclusive.
Trade-Marks ..       217-No. 15,37tLo No. 13S,557, inclusive.
Labels ............. 43-  o.   24,984 to No.  25,026, inclusive.
Prints ............ 12-No.      6,293 to No.  6,304, inclusive.
Reissues ........... 8-No.    15,442 to No.  15,419, inclusive.
T. M. Rewewals...    20
Total .......... 1073
Adverse Decisions in Interference.
PATENT NO. 1,385,187.
On July 25, 1922. a decisicn was rendered that Philip
W. Olson was not the first inventor of the subject matter
covered by claims 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of his Patent No.
1,385,187, subject, Pencil, and no appeal having been
taken within the time allowed such decision has become
PATENT NO. 1,302,788.
On July 21, 1922, a decision was rendered that Greaves
and Etchells were not the first inventors of the subject
matter covered by claims 1 and 2 of their Patent No.
1,302,788, subject,  Electric furnace, and      no appeal
having been taken within the time allowed such decision
has become final.
PATENT -NO. 1,327,276.
On August 4, 1922, a decision was rendered that Louis
B. Hasbrouck was not the first inventor of the subject
matter covered by claim 4 of his Patent No. 1,327.276,
subject,  Starters for internal-combustion engines, and
no appeal having been taken within the time allowed such
decision has become final.

Applicant's Address.
The requirement of Rule 33, that the post-office address
of the applicant must be stated in the petition, means that
the applicant must give the post-office address at which he
customarily receives his mall.
The rule was made In order that the Office in necessary
cases might correspond directly with the applicant and not
through his attorney. The address of the attorney with
instructions to send communications to the applicant in his
care will not be accepted as a compliance with this rule.
Interference Defined.
RULE 93. An interference Is a proceeding Instituted for
the purpose of determining the question of priority of in-
vention between two or more parties claiming substantially
the same patentable invention. In order to ascertain
whether any question of priority arises the Commissioner
may call upon any junior applicant to state in writing the
date when he conceived the invention under consideration.
All statements filed in compliance with this rule will be
returned to the parties filing them. In case the applicant
makes no reply within the time specified, not less than
ten days, the Commissioner will proceed upon the assump-
tion that the said date is the date of the oath attached to
the application. The fact that one of the parties has al-
ready obtained a patent will not prevent an interference,
for, although the Commissioner has no power to cancel
a patent, he may grant another patent for the same in-
vention to a person who proves to be the prior inventor.
Certification by the Secretary of the Interior.
By authority of an act of Congress approved August 2-1,
1912. (183 0. G., 507,) providing uniform charges for fur-
nishing copies of records of the Department of the Interior
and its several Bureaus, a fee of twenty-five cents will be
charged by the Secretary of the Interior for every certifi-
cate of authentication of official character-of the officials
of the Patent Office. The fee thus provided should be paid
to the Secretary of the Interior, and not to the Patent
Office. Attorneys and inventors desiring such certificates
are requested to remit the necessary fee to the Secretary of
the Interior at the time of filing in the Patent Office an
order for the copies desired.
Amendments to Amendments.
RULE 74. When an amendatory clause is amended, it
must be wholly rewritten, so that no interlineation or
erasure shall appear in the clause, as finally amended,
when the application is passed to issue. If the number or
nature of the amendment shall render it otherwise difficult
to consider the case or to arrange the papers for printing
or copying, the Examiner or Commissioner may require
the entire specification to be rewritten.
Cross-References in Cases Relating to Same Subject.
RULE 43. When an applicant files two or more applica-
tions relating to the same subject-matter of Invention, all
showing but only one claiming the same thing, the appli-
cations not claiming it must contain references to the
application claiming It.

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