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284 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1921)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0284 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Noe. 1,369,765 to 1,370-504.

initc   %tatcs   latent O)ffic.

Vol. 284-No. 1.


Price-85 per year.

The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction Of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Offlie to whom all subscriptions should be mate payable and all commtniunRcations respecting the Gaxette should Da
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, 85.00 per aoannm single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed coples of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 rents each. For the latter, address the Commilasioner
of Patents. Washington, D. C.

cONTEr         Iw s             Page.
IWUE or MARCl 1,1921...................
DAn ncLA a _  o   ... i.                         .    1
Accxsa To PEDxo APPLICATis....................     1
Ruva 72, as AMENDED APRIL IV, let..  .--          .
NoRNs ..............         ........
ANlcTw   UE  Dr Ex..a.ns. .                      2
Parrs    _Atr     ....... ................. ......... 3
R aisnu... ..              ....              .....   142
Dsos.... ------...............              . ... -  143
TRAus-MARKS-REGSTRATIon ArruaniD o.. --      _     147
Tsap-MRax RIEsTRnATONS RENWED.. -   -. 179
LAzRLS AND PRNTs..... .  .......   ...........   180
Cou sm oun's DEmastoNs-
E   arte K u n .....      ...         ..... 18
The teial Comp V, Thr Stein Sopn  ...C..n.....  181
Danegous or TRYa U, St. CouavS-
C n m  enderssi.. ...... .....................182
In ruKuhn-. .....                                183
The bieinota Company r., 8tdnway tL So     . -----   iNs
Oaaoa3 IN CIAI~FlCATION.,     .    ..........     18M
Issue of Marc 1, 1921.
Patent .........7  -- No. I369,7A5 to No 1.3710,504 inclusive.
Designs . ........... 17-No.  18,S to No.  574,197' inclusive
'yade-Iars :. 1..  01-No. 189,0 to No. 1401965 inclusive.
bels ..............  11     22,   to No  22,610  Inclusve.
Prints         .    5-No.    5,521 to No.  1,52, inclusive.
Raissues ..... ..... .-No.  15,053.
Total   .     875
Adverse Decisions in Interference.
PaTast No. 1,288,281.
On February 5, 1921, a decision was rendered that Cecl
lamelin Taylor was not the first inventor of the sub
teet matter covered by claims 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, and 8 of
is Patent No. 1,288.281, subject, Running gear for auto
mobIles1 and no appeal having been taken wIthin the time
allowed such decision has become flial.
Disclaimer.     .
1,316,56n.-Henry John Eohrards. Elyria. Ohio.      Ui-
44RM1L JUNE.  Paknt d14d *4   Idemer         44HI
1Isc4aierr '41I 'lbin~.it  1  1  1   15te      s

Access to Pending Applications.
peardit I to  h Iv n Ts  to  th 1  1f 1n 3 a
la't 'l po he  fro r11,i0 444  4', 44   4nt  44 44 '  44
n44. 4(14n1 ffrig  1he appl4en444tion .4 to4 la444444 In
b.ecom1e a  14art of! the' 4record of the 44as


Where drawings are to be fled in connection with an
application for Letters Patent In the United States Patent
Oftlee, each sheet, before it can be accepted by the Office as
a part of the application. must be signed in the name of
the inventor at the lower right-hand corner, either by him
or by mn attorney whose written authorization from the
plicant is fled In connection with the application. The
gignatures should never be written on a line parallel with
the longer edges of the sheet, one of the shorter edges
being always regarded, for the purpose of locating the
signatures, as the lower edge of the sheet. The signa-
tures must all be within the margin-lines of the sheet and
below the lines of the drawing. The title of the invention
should be written with pencil on the back of each sheet of
When there ore filed as the some day two or more applt.
catione by the ane inventor, each of the documeafs nd
Idareolr  beloninig to the same applicatton should haes
placed thereon the *ame letter or number, which should be
d4ferent from the letter or number placed upon those of
any other of the applications.
t i destrable that all parts of the complete a plical'on.
Inlnding the drawings, be deposited in the Otie at the
same time. Should, however, the other parts of the nappil-
cation be filed before the drawings are sent, tle latter
when forwarded should be accompanied by a letter stating
the number of sheets inclosed, and that the drawIng. are
to be filed with the other parts of the applleation, giv-
in4 the date at which such other parts were flied in the
Otee, the name of the inventor, and title of the inven
tion. If the application has received a serial number, that
should also be given, and it should be Indorsed with pencil
on the back of each sheet of drawings. The letter sbould
also state. if such be the case, that the new drawings are
to be substituted for those previously filed.
Rule 72, as Amended April 17, 1919.
RuLa 72. After the completion of the application the
Offe will not return the specifration for any purpose
whatever. If applicants have not preserved cop le of the
papers which they wish to amend, the Office will furnish
them on the usual terms.
The drawing may he withdrawn only for such cerrec-
tions a. cannot be 1asli, by the Office: but a drawIng can-
not be wihdrawn unless a photographic copy has been
led anti accepted by the Examiner as a part of the appli-
etin Permissible chisnses in the ennaitrution shown
in ay drwin  waybe r  einl bthe --t, iwad  fe
4.4e  th  i 4),1   4 p'  1  ma44 y  144,4  th4  44e! 4  .44 the  f
S     4       wll h4   the  .T  44e  d .41fo
%  i lt vIIIt    I. Thrnl      d  te o   u  ln
4  e 4444    4,t4n mo  w 4kl44.ou4ber u4l  the .l4 eo

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