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272 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1920)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0272 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,332,192 to 1,332,873,

Vol. 272-No. 1.                 TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1920.                    Price-85 per year.
The OFFiCIAL GAZETTE Is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. issued weekly. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 10 cents each. For the latter, address the Commissioner
of Patents, Washington, 1. C.

COITMTHITTS.                      Page.
IssuE  OF  MARca  2, 1520  . ---.-- .. .... .- ....--  I
ADJUDICATED  PATENTS ......I.... ---- . -.....---...  I
INTERFERENCE  NOTICES................----..----------------  I
IMPORTANT INFORM ATION.............................. 1
APPUCATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION........................  2
PATENTs GRANTED..................-  ...........-- - ..-   a
REISSSES    ...................-------------------------------- 133
DESIGNS----........---......------------------------------ 134
IABELS AND PRINTS........-........-- ------------- 177
Braun v. Wiegand...--.-  ----------------------- 179
Lee and aogan, Jr., a Vreeland----.----.------..---180
In re Stephens-Adamson Manufacturing Company ....... 181
CHANGES IN  CIASSIFICATION  ..............l.............--  182
Issue of March 2, 1920.
Patents.......... 682-No. 1,332,192 to No. 1,332,873, inclusive.
Designs ............. 51-No.  54,521 to No.  54,571, inclusive.
Labels..............  I-No.  21,759.
Prints ..............  I-No.  5,237.
Reissues ........... 5-No,   14,808 to No.  14,812, inclusive.
Total......... 740
Get the    thrift habit and       get out of debt.
Thrift Stamps and W. S. S. are frst aids.
(U. S. D: 0. N. Y.) The Robinson patent, No.
809,582, for a vegetable-peeling machine, Held valid
and infringed. Imperial Mach. Co. v. Rees, 261 Fed.
Rep., 612.
(U. S. :D. C. N. Y.) The Langmuir patent, No.
1,180,159, for an incandescent lamp with a nitrogen-
filled bulb and tungsten filament, claims 4, 5, 12, and
13 Held valid and infringed. General Electric Co.
v. Nitro-Tungsten Lamp Co., 261 Fed. Rep., 606.
Interference Notices.
CB.e    Washington, D. C., Februar 17, 190.
C. D. Boar &f Son, their assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
An interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company, of
Long Island City, New York, N. Y., for registration of a
trade-mark and trade-mark registered July 6, 1897, No.
30,32 to C. D. Boss & Son, of New London, Conn., and the
Office having failed to secure proof of service upon said
C. 1). Boss & Son, notice is hereby given that unless C. D.
Boss & Son, their assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance therein within thirty days from the
first publication of this order the interference will be pro-
ceeded with as in case of default.

This notice will be published in the OsFICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
First Assistant Commissioner.
Washington, D. 0., February 25, 1920.
Charles Triolo, his assigns or lcgal representatives, take
An interference having been declared by this Office be-
tween the application of Kunz, Marsh & Pendleton, of
170 Reade street, New York, N. Y., for registration of a
trade-mark and trade-mark registered Nov. 17, 1896, No.
29,165, to Charles Triolo, of Chicago, Il., and a notice
of such declaration sent by registered mail to said Charles
Triolo at the said address having been returned by the
post-office undeliverable, notice is hereby given that un-
less said Charles Triolo, his assigns or legal represent-
atives, shall enter an appearance therein within thirty
days from the first publication of this order the inter-
ference will be proceeded with as in case of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFiCIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
First Assistant Conissioner.
Important Information,
in ordering manuscript copies much time will be saved
if the order states specifically what is desired, via:
Application as originally filed. (Petition, specification,
oath, and drawings as received.)   Application as
* amended. (Petition, specification, oath, and drawings
with amendments entered.)
Application as allowed. (Petition, specification, oath,
and drawings as passed by the Examiner for issue.)
Original application. (Facsimile petition, specification,
oath, and drawings at present time.)
Specification as originally filed. (As received in Office.)
Specidcntion as amended. (With amendments entered.)
Specification an allowed. (As passed by the Examiner
for issue.)
Original specification. (Facsimile at present time.)
File-wrapper. (File-wrapper only.)
File-wrapper and contents. (File-wrapper, contents of
record, Including photoprints of any tracings or'of
prints within file-wrapper. In patented cases, printed
copy of the specification and drawings of the patent
Is furnished.
File-wrapper, contents, and drawings.  (File-wrapper
and all of the contents of record, including photo.
prints of any tracings; exhibits, or prints within the
file-wrapper.  In pending cases, photoprints of the
pending drawings only, omitting any canceled. If
patented, copy of the spedfication and drawings of
the patent being furnished, photoprints are not made
of the original drawings unless specially ordered. If
canceled drawings are wanted, they must also be
specially ordered.)
Assignment. (Give the liber and page of the record as
well as the name of the inventor.)
Printed publications in possession of the Office  (Give
title and date of _publication, also page and exact
portion to be copied.)
Orders for copies of any other records not mentioned
above must state specifically the exact paper to be copied.

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