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264 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1919)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0264 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,308,021 to 1,308,749.
tWmitch States Vaftet @ffitt.
Vol. 264.-No. 1.                TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1919.                     Price-5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE Is mailed tinder the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should le made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should he
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, 85.00 per annnum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 5 cents each. For the latter, address the Commissioner
of Patents, Washington, D. C.

COJ     TTSE11TTS_                 Page.
ISSUE  OF  July  1. 1919                     ----------  1
INTERFERiNCE NOTICE...... -.......... --__--.... 1
ADVERSE DECiSIONS IN INTERFEIE CE -----..... ............ 1
AMENDMENTS............................      -......... 1
NOTARIES sUBtIC......    .............................. I
APIiCATIONS UNDE. EXAMINATItp....................     2
PATENTS GRANTED . .................. ...........-       3
REISSUES................................... ---------.136
DESIGNs.... ..........................----------      137
TRADE-tAaKS--RK .GISTRATJO  APPIED FOR...... ....... 139
TRADE-MARK REGISTRAT[ONS GRANTED................   . 153
TsADE-MtAHK REGISTRATIONS CANCELED...   .............. 153
LABELS..........   ........................... ......154
PaIsT........................................... 156
Cunningham Piano Company v. AEa lian Co.... ......... 137
erk et al., Copartners Under the Name of Robert F.
Werk & Com pany, V. Parker c al., Copartners Under
the Name of F. T. Parker Company.................. 159
Moore v. The United  States......  .......................  160
Wadsworth, Hlowland & Co, Inc., v, Trussed Concrete
Steel Co...................................... 161
Issue of July 1, 1919.

Patents.......... 729-No.
Trade-Marks.......    2-No.
Labels........... 71- NO.
Prints............ 17-No.
Reissues........... 4-No.

1,308,021 to No.
12,5,887 to No.
21,260 to No.
5,107 to No.
14,677 to No.

1,303,749, inclusive,
125,668, inclusive.
21,30. inclusive.
5,123, relusive.
14,6B6, islclusive,

Wouldn't 3o    pay a quarter to buy your chIld
a virtnef fuy a Thrift Stamp to-day nad start
hint in the walys of lIntelligent economy.
Interference Notice
Iashington, D, C., Junie 2O, 1919,
Rom    t & Coopany, their asSigne or legal representatites,
take notice:
Ais interference having ben declared by this Office be-
tween the applications of John Waninaker, New York, of
Broadway and 'Tcuth streets, New York, -N. Y., and Diana
11niit Co., Ine., of 22 West Fifteenth street, New York,
N, Y., for registration of trade-marks and trade-mark reg-
istered July 2. 1907, No. 63,7:8, to Romnm & Company, of
23 East Eighth street. New York. N. Y., and a notice of
such declaration sent by registered mail to sald jlomm &
Company at the said address having boon returned hr
the post-office und-liverable, notice is hereby given that
uidess said Romam & Compnny, their assigns or legal rep,
resentatives, shall enter an :a)pearanee therein within
thirty days from the first publication of tils order the
interference will be proceeded with as in case of default
This notice will be published in the Oes1cIt GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
First Assistant Commiossoner.

Adverse Decisions in Interference.
PATENT No. 1,107,343.
On May 27, 1919. a decision was rendered that Harry
Charlesworth was not the first inventor of the subject-
matter covered by claim 2 of his Patent No. 1,197,343,
subject. - Iicubator-brooder system, and no appeal having
oeen taken withiin the time allowed such decision has be-
cone final.
PATENT NO. 1,265,987.
On May 31. 1010, a decision was rendered that William
It. Ennzett was not the first inventor of the subject-inatter
cove-red by claims 1. 2, 3, 4. 0, and 11 of bin Patent No.
1.265.QST. subject,  Machines for making window-envel-
ops, and no appeal having been taken within the time
allowed ,uch decision has become final.
RUtt 73. In every amendment the exact word or words
to be stricken out or Inserted In the application must be
specified And the precise point Indiented where the erasure
or Insertion is to be made. All such amendments must he
on sheets of paper separate from the papers previously
filed. and written on but one side of the paper. Erasures.
additions, insertions, or mutilations of the papers and
records must not'be made by the applicant.
Amendments and papers requiring the signature of-the
atpplicant must also, in case of assignment of an undivided
part of the Invention, he signed by the assignee. (Itules
it, 1117.1
Notaries Public.
[PuaLic-No. 362.]
An act to amend section five hundred and fifty-eight of the
Code of Law.for the District of Columbia.
Be it ecueted bl the Senate and House of Represrncatirc.s
of the United Stales (f America fit Congress assembled,
That section five hundred and fifty-eight of the Code of
law for the District of Columbia. reislling to untaries plh.
1ie. le amended liy adding at the end of said section the fol-
lowing:  Provided, That the appolatmenteof any person as
such notary public, or the acceptance of his commission ao
such, or the performance of the duties thereunder, shall
not disqualify or prevent such person from representing
clients before any of the Departments of the tnited States
Government in the I lietrlCt of Columbias or elsewhere, pra-
vided such person so appointed as A notary publiewho ap.
pears to practice or represent clients before any such De-
partment is not otherwise engaged In Government employ,
and shill be admitted by the heads of such Departments
to practice therein i accordance with the rules and regula-
tions prescribed for other persons or attorneys who are ad-
mitted to practice therein And provided further, That no
notary publie shell be authorized to -take acknowledg.
ments, administer oaths, certify papers, or perform any
officini acts in connection with matters in which he is em-
played as counsel, attorney, or agent or in which he may
bC ini anly way int-rested before any of the Departments
Approved, June 29, 1Q06.

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