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259 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1919)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0259 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,292,983 to 1,293,653.
Enlitch.Stales gatent. Offirg.
Vol. 259--No. 1.          TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1919.                    Price-85 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE Is malled under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, 85.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 5 cents each. For the latter, address.the Conunissioner
of Patents, WashIngton, D. C.

CONTEiTWS.                       Page.
ISSUE  op  PEB1RUARY  4,1919..................................  1
INTERFERENRCE NOTICEr-............---- ...----..... -------  I
DEAwINGs..........................................        1
RESERVATION CLAUSES NOT PERITIED.....................     1
APrLICATIONS UNDER ExaMInAToeN........................   2
PATENTS  ORANTED  -........................................---
REIS&UES.         ....................- ....--.-..-1-
DESIGNS...----------------- ----- - --------------------1
TRADE-MARKS -REGISTRATION APPu    FOR ................ 167
LABELS........................................... 181
Ex parte National Milk Sugar Company ................. 183
Ex parte Champion Spark Plug Company.......-------- 183
Ball and Gunning Milling Company v. Mammoth Spring
Milling Company-----------------------------. 183
The Gutta Percha & Rubber Manufacturing Company v.
Ajax Manufacturing Company, Incorporated........... 184
Nicoll v. Ioey  ........................................  - 185
ADJUDICATED  P4TENTF.................................-   --  186
Issue of February 4, 1919.
Patents ............. 671-No. 1,202,983 to No. 1,293 653 inclusive,
Designs ------ .  48-No.    52,928 to No.  52:975 inclusive.
Trade-Marks ---..--- 82-No. 124,277 to No, 124,358, inclusive.
Labels .............. 33-No.  21,111 tb No.  21,143, inclusive.
Prints0...............  --No.  5,048 to No.  5,051, inclusive.
Reissues ............  1-No.   14,588.
Total ......... 841
Interference Notice.
Washington, D. VX, January s0, 1919.
Marchesilni Brothers, their assigns or legal representa-
tin-s. take notice
An interference having Ieen declared by this Office
between the application of Andrea Russo, of 466 West
Chicgo avenue, Chicago, ILl., foe registration of a trade-
mark and trade mark registered April 5, 1904, No.
42,321, to Marehesini Brothers, of 585 Washington street,
New York, N. Y., and a notice of such declaration sent
by registered mail to said Marchesini Brothers at the
saId address having been returned by the post-office un-
deliverable, notice  is hereby   given  that unless said
Marchesini Brothers, their assigns or legal representa-
tives, shall enter an appearance therein within thirty
days from the first publication of. this order the Inter-
ference -will be proceeded with as in case of default.
This notice will be published in the OrarICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
First Assfetant Commissioner.
Adverse Decisions in Interference.
PATENT No. 1,003,896.
On January 24, 1919, a decision was rendered that
James A. Giese was not the first inventor of the subject-

matter -covered by claim 2 of his Patent No. 1,003,896,
subject,  Sliding-door latches, and no appeal having
been taken within the time allowed such decision has be-
come final.
PATtNIT No. 1,266,223,
On January 24, 1919, a decision was rendered that
George H. Day was not the first Inventor of the subject-
matter covered by claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11,
and 12 of his Patent No. 1,266,223, subject-matter,
'Temple, and no appeal having been taken within the
time allowed such decision has become final.
RULE 38.
38. Whtn there are drawings, the description will refer
to the diffe-ent views by figures and to the different parts
by letters or numerals. (preferably the latter.)
(f) The different views should be consecutively niimbered.
Letters and figures of reference must be carefully
formed. They should, if possible, measure at least one-
eighth of an inch in height, so that they may bear re-
duction to one twenty-fourth of an inch; and they may
he much larger when there Is sufficient room. They
must lie So placed in the close and complex .parts of
drawings as not to interfere with a thorough compre-
hension of the same, and therefore should rarely cross
or mingle with the lines. When necessarily grouped
around a certain part, they should be placed at a little
distance, where there Is available space, and connected
by sbort broken lines with the parts to which they refer:
They should not be placed upon shaded surfaces, and
when it is difficult to avold this, a blank space -must be
left in the shading where the letter occurs, so that It
shall appear perfectly distinct and separate from the
work. If the same part of an Invention appear In more
- than one view of the drawing it must always be repre-
sented by the same character, and the same character
must never be used to designate different parts.
It is suggested that numerals or letters be used
rlthori exponenits.
Reservation Olauses Not Permitted.
R1LE 44. A reservation for a future application of sub-
ject-matter disclosed but not claimed In a pending appli-
cation will not be permitted In thk pending applicatIon.

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