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249 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1918)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0249 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,260,999 to 1,261,749.

Vol. 249-No. 1.                          TUESDAY, APRIL               2, 1918.                   Price-5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE Is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weeldy. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 5 cents each. For the latter, address the Commissioner
of Patents, Washington, D. C.
O                                   Page.   cation of this order the interference will be proceeded
with as in case of default.
ISSUE OF APRIL 2, 1918 .......................................  1  This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
INTERFERENCE NOTICES ......................................  I  for three consecutive weeks.
CANCELATION NOTICE ........................................  1                               R. F. WHITEHEAD,
ADVERSE DECISIONS IN INTERFERENCE .......................  1                             First Assistant Commissioner.
INTERFERENCE DEFINED .....................................  I
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION .........................  2
PATENTS GRANTED ...........................................  3                    Cancelation Notice.
RtEISSUES  ....................................................  213
DESIGNS .....     ..................................... 217               DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR,
TRADE-M.%ARK REGISTRATIONS GRANTED ...................... 231                        Washington, D. C., March 22, 1918.
LABELS AND PRINTS .......................................... 234  Parnac M. Ayvad, lis assigns or legal representatives,
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS ....... 235         take  notice:
A  cancelation proceeding has been Instituted by this
Office upon the application of Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake
Issue of April 2, 1918,                      Co., Battle Creek, Mich., to effect the cancelation of the
trade-mark registration of Parnac M. Ayvad, 133 West
Patents .............. 751-No. 1,260,9)1 to No. 1,261,749, inclusive.  Twenty-third street, New York, N. Y., registered May 5,
Designs ............ 32-No.    51,913 to No.  51,944, inclusive.  1903, No. 40,270, and the notice of such proceeding sent by
Trade-Marks.         91-No. 121,029 to No. 121,119, inclusive,  gistered mail to said Ayvad at the said address having
Labels ............... 13-No.  20,574 to No.  20,586, inclusive-  been returned by the post-office undeliverable, notice is
Prints ...............  3-No.  4,875 to No.  4,877, inclusive,  hereby given that unless said Parnac M. Ayvad, his as-
Reissues ............  4-No.   14,454 to No.  14,457, inclusive.  signs or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance
-therein within thirty days from                                               the first publication of
Total .......... 894                                     this order the cancelation will proceed as in case of
This notice will be published In the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
Interference Notices.                       for three consecutive weeks.

Washington, 1). C., March 26, 1918.
Osneida Leather Co., its assigns or legal representatives,
take notice:
An Interference having been declared by this Office
between the application of Coxe & Lloyd Leather Com-
pany, of 211 West Third street, Wilmington, Del., for
registration of a trade-mark and trade-mark registered
July 2, 1912; No. 87,249, to Oneida Leather Co., of 38
West Twenty-first street, New York, N. Y., and a notice
of such declaration sent by registered mail to said
Oneida Leather Co. at the said address having been re-
turned by the post-office undeliverable, notice is hereby
given that unless said Oneida Leather Co., its assigns or
legal representatives, shall enter atl appearance therein
within thirty days from .the first publication of this
order the interference will be proceeded with as in case
of default.
This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
for three consecutive weeks.
First Assistant Commissioncr.
Washington, D. C., March 26, 1918.
Hinkle, Greenicaf & Co., their assigns or legal representa-
tives, take notice:
An Interference having been declared between the appli-
cations of Arkadelphia Milling Company, of Arkadelphia,
Ark., and J. D. Manor & Co., of New Market, Va., for
registration of a trade-mark and trade-mark registered
December 4, 1888, No. 16,059, to Hinkle, Greenleaf & Co.,
of Minneapolis, Minn.. and a notice of such declaration
sent by registered mail to said Hinkle, Greenleaf & Co.
having been returned by the post-office undeliverable, no-
tice Is hereby given that unless said Hinkle, Greenleaf &
Co., their assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an
appearance therein within thirty days from the first publi-

Adverse Decisions in Interference.
PATENT NO. 1,141,409.
On March 26, 1918, a decision was rendered that James
B. Peoples was not the first inventor of the subject-matter
covered by claims 2, 4, and 5 of his Patent No. 1,141,409,
subject, Educational appliances, and no appeal having
been taken within the time allowed such decision has be-
come final.
PATENT No. 1,122,630.
On March 9, 1918, a decision was rendered that Caid H.
Peck was not the first inventor of the subject-matter
covered by claim 3 of his Patent No. 1,122,630, subject,
 Fluid-operated percussive tools,' and no appeal having
been taken within the time allowed such decision has be-
come final.
Interference Defined,
RULE 93. An interference is a proceeding instituted for
the purpose of determining the question of priority of in-
vention between two or more parties claiming substantially
the same patentable invention. In order to ascertain
whether any question of priority arises the Commissioner
may call upon any junior applicant to state In writing the .
date when he conceived the Invention under consideration.
All statements filed In compliance with this rule will be re-
turned to the parties filing them. In case the applicant
makes no reply within the time specified, not less than tev
days, the Commissioner will proceed upon the assumptiov
that the said date is the date of the oath attached to tht
application. The fact that one of the parties has already
obtained a patent will not prevent an interference, for, al-
though the Commissioner has no power to cancel a patent,
he may grant another patent for the same invention to a
person who proves to be the prior inventor.

Firt 8  Assistant Cdommissi8oner.

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