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241 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1917)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0241 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents os. 1,235,539 to 1,236,3S7.
Vol. 241-No. 1.                TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1917.                   Price-$5 per year.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE Is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette should be
addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, 85.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each..
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 5 cents each. For the latter, address the Commissioner
of Patents, Washington, D. C.

CO     NT    ENTS_                   Page.
ISSUE  OF  AUGUST  7, 1917 ....................................  1
ADVERSE DECISIONS IN INTERFERENCE .......................   1
ADJUDICATED  PATENTS ......................................  1
DISCLAIMER ...................................................  1
DRAWINGS     ..  ..........................................  1
DELIVERY OF PATENT .....................................    1
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION .........................    2
PATENTS GRANTED ..........................................  3
REISSUES ............................................... 272
D ESIGNS .....................................................  274
TRADE-MARK REGISTRATIONS GRANTED ...................... 23
LABELS  AND  PRINTS .........................................  299
Ex  parle  Lindau  .........................................  301
in  re  Lindau  .............................................  302
Corona Chemical Co. v. Latimer Chemical Co ............. 302
Issue of August 7, 1917,
Patents ........... 549-No. 1,235,539 to No. 1,230,387, inclusive.
Designs.......... 25-No       51,105 to No.  51,129, inclusive.
Trade-Marks ...... 14-No.     117,804 to No. 117,967, inclusive.
Labels .............  6-No.    20,222 to No.  20,227, inclusive.
Prints .............  6-No.    4,736 to No.   4,741, inclusive.
Reissues ...........  3-No.    14,340 to No.  14,342, inclusive.
Total .......... 1053
Adverse Decisions in Interference,
PATENT NO. 1,145,120.
On July 3, 1917, a decision was rendered that Edward
E. Clement was not the first inventor of the subject-matter
covered by claims 21 and 22 of his Patent No. 1,145,120,
subject,  Telephone-exchange system, and no appeal hav-
ing been taken within the time allowed such decision has
become final.
PATENT No. 1,20S,962.
On July 27, 1917, a decision was rendered that John 0.
Heinze was not the first inventor of the subject-inatter
covered by claims 2 and 13 of his Patent No. 1,208,962,
subject,  Starting and lighting systems, and no appeal
having been taken within the time allowed such decision
has become final.
(U. S. 0. C. A.)      The Blum     patent, No. 579,554,
for a gas-motor, Held not infringed. Bltn v. Iu
miller-Rentelin Co., 241 Fed. Rep., 954.
(U. S. D. C.)         The   Fessenden     patents, No.
1,050,728, for a method of signaling, and No.
1,050,441, for electric signaling apparatus, Held not
anticipated, valid and infringed. Kintner v. Atlan-
tic Conticunioation Co., 241 Fed. Rep., 956.

SSO,410.-Joseph B. Singer, Boston, Mass. COMBINED
CANTON AND DISPLAY DEVICE. Patent dated February
25, 1908. Disclaimer filed July 28, 1917, by the
Makes disclaimer-
To such part or parts of the thing patented as he
does not choose to claim, or to hold by virtue of said pat-
ent or the assignment thereof and that said parts herenv
dliselaimed are contained in claim 1 of said patent, which
is In language as follows, to wit:
 1. The improved carton and display device comprising
a body having folded ends and slots in the upper edge of
said ends, a back display surface attached to said body,
brackets on the .aid back display surface, and tongues on
the said brackets engaging the said slots in the said ends.
Where drawings are to be filed in connection with an
application for Letters Patent in the United States Patent
Office, each sheet, before it can be accepted by the Office as
a part of the alplication, must be signed in the flame of
the Inventor at the lower right-hand Corner, either by hlim
or by an attorney whose written authorization from the
applicant is filed in connection with the application. The
signatures should never be written on a line parallel with
the longer edges of the sheet, one of the shorter edges
being always regarded, for the purpose of locating the
signatures, as the lower edge of the sheet. The signa-
tures must all be within the margin-lines of the sheet and
below the lines of the drawing. The title of the invention
should be written with pencil on the back of each sheet of
W1hen there are filed on the same day two or more appli-
cations by the soei inventor, cach of the doculments and
drawings belonging to the same application hould have
placed tllercoa tile sonie letter or number, Which should be
different from tile letter or number placed upon those of
any other of the applications.
It is desirable that all parts of the complete application,
Including tue drawings, be deposited in the Office at the
same time. Should, however, the other parts of the appli-
cation be filed before the drawings arc sent, the latter
when forwarded should be accompanied by a letter stating
the number of sheets inclosed, and that the drawings are
to be filed with the other parts of the application, giv-
ing the date at which such other parts were tiled in the
Office, the name of the inventor, and title of the Inven-
tion. If the application has received a serial number, that
should also be given, and It should be Indorsed with pencil
on the back of each sheet of drawings. The letter should
also state, if such be the case, that the new drawings are
to be substituted for those previously filed.
Delivery of Patent.
RULE 169. The patent will be delivered or mailed on the
day of Its date to the attorney of record, If there be one;
If not, to the patentee; or, If the attorney so request, to
the patentee or assignee of an Interest therein.

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