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206 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1914)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0206 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,108,874 to 1,109,653.
9    1i*tt           ta ts Vatent Offirt+
Vol. 206-No. 1.               TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1914.                   Price-$5 per year,
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government
Printing Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette
should be addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, $5.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 5 cents each. For the latter, address the
Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.

CONTENiTS.                              Page.
ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 .................................      1
THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE .....................................         1
RENEWAL OF FORFEITED CASES ............................            1
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION ..........................          2
PATENTS GRANTED ...........................................        3
R EISSUES .....................................................  281
D ESIGNS  .....................................................  283
TRADE-MARK REGISTRATIONS GRANTED ...................... 307
LABELS AND PRINTS ......................................... 311
Krell Auto Grand Piano Co. of America v. Story & Clark
Co. et al ....................... ........................  313
ADJUDICATED PATENTS ....................................... 317
INTERFERENCE NOTICES .................................. 317
Patents .............. 780-No. 1,108,874 to No. 1,109,653, inclusive.
Designs ....   ....... 24-No.     46,330 to No.    46,353. inclusive.
Trad    s      .......  118-No.   99,413 to No.    99.530, inclusive.
Labels .............. 26-No.       17,934 to No.   17,9 9, inclusive.
Prints ...............  5-No.      3,715 to No.     3,719, inclusive.
Reissues .............  4-No.     13,793 to No.    13,796, inclusive.
Total .............. 957
',                 s~
Staw              .u         states.               I
States.         4la  A                                 A
Alabama ............               North Carolina .....      2     2
Arizona      ....                  North Dakota ......      2.
Arkans2                      Ohio ............... 45        8
Arkansas 6.  ....      31        Oklahoma ...........     7.
California ............3
Colorado...              11.....   Oregon .............    2 .....
Connect     lci     ut   25    5    Pennsylvania.    .     68     10
Delaware ............     1    1   Rhode Island ......      4      2
Florida..............     .        South Carolina ......   2 2
Georgia.............           3   South Dakota .......     I ....
Idaho ...................... Tennessee ...........          3
Illinois.............    91     18  Texas ..............8          1
Indiana ............     27         Utah .............. ...... 1
Iowa ...............      16        Vermont............
Kansas ..............     9    1   Virginia .............   7
Kentucky ............     3    2   Washington .........    12      2
Louisiana...........     3    1   West Virginia...      .   ..
Maine ...............      4    8   Wisconsin...........   13
Maryland ...........              Wyoming ...........       1.
Massachusetts ........   51    7
Michigan .............   23    3    A lska, Ditrict of...   1   .
Minnesota ............    22        Canal one .......... I1
Missisippi ...........         1   District of Columbia.   14      i
MlssourL .............   31..      Hawaii Territory ...........
Montana ................            Philippine Islands...   I.
Nebraska.............               Porto iico .......... ....  ...
Nevada ...............              U.S. Army .........     . .....
New Hampshire ...... .....          U.S. Navy ..............
New Jerey ..........     41                              --
New Mexico ..........     1           Total to residents
Nsw York ............103      40    of the United States.. 719   138


Argentina ............
Austria-Hungary .....
Belgium ..............
Brazil ................
British West Indies...
Canada ...............
China .............
Costa Rica.......
Cuba ...............
Denmark ............
France ...............
Germany .............
Guatemala ...........
India ............
Ireland ...............
Italy .................
Japan ................
Mexico ...............

Natal ...............
Neth.riands ..............
New South Wales...     1
New Zealand ........2
Norway ............  1
Queensland .............
Roumania .................
Russia .............1
Scotland .............
South Australia ..........
Switzerland ......... 1  2
Transvaal, South 
A friea .............
Victoria ............. 1
Western Australia ..
Total to residents
of foreign countries .. 85

The Official Gazette.
The OFFICIAL GAZETTE is published every Tuesday simul-
taneously with the weekly issue of patents. From January
1, 1872, (the commencement of its publication,) to June 30,
1883, it was published and bound in semi-annual volumes;
from July 1, 1883, to December 31, 1902, in quarterly vol-
umes; from January 1, 1903, to December 31, 1908 in
bimonthly volumes; since January 1, 1909, In monihly
volumes. Terms: Annual subscriptions, $5; monthly, 50
cents. For postage upon foreign subscriptions, except
those from Canada and Mexico, $5 or more, as required.
Moneys received from foreign subscribers in excess of the
subscription price of $5 will be deposited to the credit of
the subscriber and applied to posts ge upon the subscrip-
tion as incurred. Single copies, 10 cents; if mailed to
foreign countries, excepting Canada and Mexico, 10 cents
additional for postage.  Payment in advance required.
No club rates. No discount to newsdealers. No sample
copies. All subscriptions must commence with the be-
ginning of a volume. None taken for less than an entire
volume. All orders should be addressed to The Superin-
tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Renewal of Forfeited Cases,
A petition for the renewal of a forfeited application need
not be signed by the inventor or assignee, but may be
signed by the attorney.
A power of attorney in the original application authoriz-
ing an attorney to transact all business in the Patent Office
in connection with the application construed to be of suffi-
cient scope to include the signing of a petition for renewal
and the subsequent prosecution of the application. (Day
parle Agee, 101 0. G., 1609.)

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