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179 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 1 (1912)

handle is hein.intprop/uspagaz0179 and id is 1 raw text is: Patents Nos. 1,028,093 to 1,028,847.






Ini    tac patnt @fficet

Vol. 179-No. 1.

TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1912.

Price-$5 per year.

The OFFICIAL GAZETTE Is mailed under the direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government
Printing Office, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications respecting the Gazette
should be addressed. Issued weekly. Subscriptions, 85.00 per annum; single numbers, 10 cents each.
Printed copies of patents are furnished by the Patent Office at 5      cents each. For the latter, address the
Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C.

COiTrM-IrTS_                            Page.             TO CITIZENS OF FO
ISSUE OF JUNE 4? 1912 .......................................      I
INTERFERENCE NOTICE ......................................        1 t
REMITANCES TO THE PATENT OFFICE ........................           I           ontis
APPLICATIONS UNDER EXAMINATION .........................           2
PATENTS GRANTED ...........................................        3
R EIS    S ................................................... None.                           B
DESIGNS ......................................................   261                                 E-
TRADE-MARKS-REGISTERED ..........................281                   Argta............        2.
TRADE-MARK CANCELED ..................................... 283          Austria-Hungary .....     2 .....
LABELS AND PRINTS .................................              284   Belgium ..............1.
COMMISSIONER'S DECISIONS-                                              Bermuda ................... .....
Ex parte Turner ................................ 285               Brazil ............... ..... .....
Ex parte Sims ..........................................     285   British West Indies... ..... .....
Ex parte Gold .........       ......................... 286        Canada .............     12  -...
Burton Medicine Co. v. United Drug Co ...............        288   Cape Colony..........     .....
DECISIONS OF THE U. S. COURTS---                                        Chile......
McManus V. Hammer ..........           ............................
In re Morgan ............................................. 292     Cost R.                I       .....
ADJUDICATED PATENTS .......................................            C b
_ T2   Denmark ...................
Ecuador .............. ..........
England ..............   22    3
ISSUE     OF   3UNE     4, 1912.                      France      .......      11     1
Patents .............. 755-No. 1,028,093 to No. 1,028,847, inclusive.  Germany ..... .......   47
Desi    ..........      29-No.     42,570 to No.   42,598, inclusive.  Gibraltar ............ I1.
T..arks         .      93-No.     86,768 to No.   86,860, inclusive.  Ireland ............. .....1
Labels ...............   8-No.     16,365 to No.   16,372, inclusive.  Italy .................   3   I1
Prints ...............   4-No.      3,043 to No.    3,046, inclusive.  Japan................        ....
Reissues ............. None.

Countries.     '1f
Mexico ..............  1
Netherlands .........  I
Newfoundland .........
New South Wales ...
New Zealand ........    1
Norway .............   2
Peru ................  1
Rounania ............
Russia ...............
Scotland ............ I  2
Spain............ .....
Sweden ............    1
Switzerland .........  2
Ta   ania .......    .....
Transvaal, So uth
Africa..     ........
Victoria............. .
Western Australia...,  1
Total to citizens of
foreign countries ..... 114

Total ............. 889                                                     Interference Notice.
b   4A                             'Washington, D. C., May 29, 1912.
94         Henry Denny & Sons, their assigns or legal representatives,
Sts  SAn interference having been declared by this Office be-
Aatween the application of Louis Pfaelzer & Sons, 3927-43
U b I                          .   South Halsted street, Chicago, Ill., for registration of a
c     5-   trade-mark and trade-mark registered May 30, 1882, No.
P4         9,420, to Henry Denny & Sons, Chicago, Ill., and a notice
.            .   .. -              of such declaration sent by registered mail to said Henry
Alabama .............3        North Carolina ......  5      Denny & Sons at the said address having been returned
Arizona .............1        North Dakota .......  7 .....  by the post-office undeliverable notice is hereby given that
Arkansas. ............        Ohio ................ 58  6   unless said Henry Denny & Sons, their assigns or legal
California .............39  5  Oklahoma .......... 6 .....  representatives, shall enter an appearance therein with-
Colorado ..............  ...  Oregon ..............6        in thirty days from  the first publication of this order
Connecticut .......... 2  1   Pennsylvania .....  56    7   the interference will be proceeded with as in case of de-
Delaware ............1    1   Rhode Island.....      ....  fault.
Florida..............         South Carolina ......  ..... .....This notice will be published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE
Georgia ........              South Dakota .......  2 .....  for three consecutive weeks.
Idaho ......... .    ....  . Tennessee ...........  4   1                    EDWARD B. MOORE, Comisioncr.
Illinois .............. 65  9  Texas ............... 9  1
Indiana ..............18  1   Utah...............6.
Iowa ................. 23  1  Vermont .........
Kansas ............... 10                            ....   4  Manual of Classification of Subjects of Invention.
Kentucky..........7 ... ,        n .........  6....              DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR,
Louisiana. ..........4..... West Virginia .......
Maine ................  1 .. W isconsin .......... 17   5                   UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE,
Maryland ............  r  2'; Wyoming ..............I..                           Washington, D. 0., May 31, 1912.
Massachusetts . ..   41    9        -                         Manual of Classification of Subjects of Invention of the
Michiga  ................                  ... ...
.......22  2Aak
91.....       one .............     United States Patent Office, revised to January 1, 1912,
Misisppi      .       ! .. . Dtstrict of Columba.  2.     has been published. Copies thereof may be obtained from
Mis                  26   3   Hawaii Territory ...  1 1 .   the Commissioner of Patents for ten cents each.
Montana..    ....  ......3    Philippine Islands........
Nebraska.....                Porto Rico ..........  1.
Nevada ...................I U. S. Army ..........   ....
New Hampshire ......   ..... U. S. Navy ..................           Remittances to the Patent Office.
Newv Jersey ........... ' i6_   41
New Jesey........20      4 .tChecks should be certified. Cash should be registered;
Nw Mexico ..........  1        Total to citizens of    91  if by ordinary mail at risk of sender. Postage stamps not
New York..........1  1 il   the United          670.receivable.

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