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1 Speech of Mr. Clayton, Delivered at the Delaware Whig Convention, in Wilmington, on the 15th June, 1844 1 (1844)

handle is hein.intprop/shmcydd0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                            DELIVERED AT THE


                    ON TIlE 13TH        SUNE, IS44.

Fellow Citizens:-                     upon subjects, in controversy vitally ef-
   The chief object I have in view, in fecting the country, by multiplying the
this day addressing you, is to call back issues to be decided, distracting the atten.
your attention, and that of the country at tion of the people, and dividing the ma-
large, from the many distracting topics jority on the dreaded questions, by oth-
which now agitate the public mind to the ers of inferior importance. These are
greatest of all the issues involved in the the tricks of all the enemies of Whig prin.
Presidential Election. The great ques. ciples of the present day. Those gentle-
tion to be decided by that election is a men are well aware that a vast majority
question of BREAD,-a question wheth- of the freemen of this country are deci-
er we shall abandon the whole princi- dedly hostile to the modern Free Trade
ple of protection extended to the laboring doctrines, and as decidedly friendly to
classes of this country by the TariffAct the Whig Tariff of 1842, embracing the
of 1842, and adopt, in lieu of it, a tariff Whig principle of protection to home la-
discriminatingfr revenue and against bor. With their new Democratic doc-
protection; a question whether we shah trine of Free trade, all the leadersamong
go back, by our own voluntary act, to them are conscious that they cannot go
that state of colonial vassalage which ex- to trial before the country without incur.
isted in this country while England held ring inevitable defeat. Within the past
us in subjection, and her statesmen boas. year, the friends of the prcxective policy
ted that they would not permit us to man- have, every where, rouied their oppo.
ufacture a hob nail forourselves; a ques. nents when his questio, has been raised
tion whether we shall now surrender to in the elections. Oue friends have un-
England one of the most essenticl bless- frocked the partizans and advocates of
ings resulting from that independence British interests in this nation. They
for w', h the Whigs of the Revolution have torn the masks from the faces of
successfully contended. To every re- those who prefer English to American
flecting mind it must be apparent, that labor. The skeepskins have been strip.
but lew subjects can be decided to the ped from their backs; and the wolves,
satisfaction of a majority of the people, every where, now stand out in their na.
at a single election; und it is the old trick ked deformity. To insure our triumph
-f designing politicianS, to escape defeat in this great question, our friends havo

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