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1840 Comm'r Rep. 1 (1840)

handle is hein.intprop/corep0258 and id is 1 raw text is: 26th CONGRESS,             [SENATE.                       [ 152]
2d Session.
The operations of the Patent Ofjee during the year 1840.
FEBRUARY 3, 1841.
Ordered to be printed.
PATENT OFFICE, January, 1841.
SIR: In obedience to the act to promote the useful arts, the Commis-
sioner of Patents has the honor to submit his annual report.
Four hundred and seventy-three patents have been issued during the
year 1840, including sixteen additional improvements to former patents,
of which classified and alphabetical lists are annexed, marked A and B.
During the same period, three hundred and twenty-one patents have
expired, as per list marked C.
The applications for patents during the year past amount to seven hun-
dred and sixty-five, and the number of caveats filed was two hundred and
The receipts of the office for 1840 amount to $38,056 51; from which
may be deducted $7,173 31, paid on applications withdrawn, as per state-
ment D.
. The ordinary expenses of the Patent Office for the past year, including
payments for library and for agricultural statistics, were $23,982 45; leav-
ing a surplus of $6,900 75 to be credited to the patent fund, as per state-
ment marked E.
-For the restoration of models, records, and drawings, under the act of
March 3, 1837, $7,864 91 have been expended, as per statement marked F.
The whole number of patents issued by the United States, previous to
January, 1841, is eleven thousand nine hundred and eighty-two.
During the past year, the Commissioner of Patents has removed into
the new building, Which is both commodious and secure against fire;
and the patented models are classified and exhibited in suitable glass
cases. The National Gallery is ready for the exhibition of models and
specimens, and cases are being prepared to preserve the same against in-
jury or loss by exposure. I am happy to say that the mechanics and man-
ufacturers are improving the opportunity to present the choicest contribu-
tions; and, from the encouragement given, no doubt is entertained that
the hall, considered by some so spacious, will, in a short time, be entirely
filled; presenting a display of national skill and ingenuity not surpassed
by any exhibition in the world.
Allair & Rives, printers.

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