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2 George Haven Putnam, The Censorship of the Church of Rome and Its Infuence upon the Production and Distribution of Literature [i] (1907)

handle is hein.intprop/censhurom0002 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                    SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS
                          VOLUME I
   I. Introductory. The Index and Censorship.
   II. Censorship and the Early Church. 150-768.
 III. Prohibition of Books in the Middle Ages. 830-1480.
 IV. Book Regulations before the Indexes.
         In England, the Netherlands, France, Spain, and Ger-
           many. 145o-1555.
   V. Papal Censorship before the Indexes and the Bull Goens.
           Domini. 1364-r586.
  VI. The Roman Inquisition and the Congregation of the Index.
  VII. The First Series of Indexes.
         Louvain, 1510, Venice, 1543, Paris, 1544, Louvain, 1546,
           Lucca, 1545, Louvain, r550, Venice, 1549, Valentia,
           1551, Florence, 1552, Valladolid, 1554, Venice, 1554,
           Louvain, 1558, Valladolid, 1559, Rome, 1559.
VIII. The Council of Trent and the Index of Pius IV. 1564.
  IX. Censorship Regulations. 1550-1591.
  X. Indexes of the Netherlands, Spain, and Italy. 1569-1588.
  XI. Roman Indexes and Decrees. 1590-1661.
         (This chapter includes the Index of Sixtus V, the only
           papal Index which undertook the work of expurgation.)
 XII. Indexes and Prohibitions, Spanish, Roman, Belgian, Por-
           tuguese, and Polish. 1612-1768.
XIII. The Index of Alexander VII. 1664.
         (This Index includes the record of the condemnation
           of Galileo.)
XIV. Decrees and Indexes, French, Belgian, Bohemian, Roman
           and Spanish. i685-i81 .
 XV. Erasmus and Luther in the Index.
 XVI. The Jansenist Controversy and the Bull Unigentius.
                         VOLUME II
   I. Theological Controversies in France, Germany, England,
           and the Netherlands. 16oo-I 750.
   II. The Treatment of the Scriptvres under Censorship.
   III. The Monastic Orders and Cer orship.
   IV. Roman Indexes. 1758-1900.
         (This chapter includes a specification of the Index of
           Benedict XIV of 31758, and description of the latest
           Indexes, those of Pius IX and Leo XIII.)
   V. General Prohibitions and the Continuation of Class I.
   VI. Issues between Church and State.
 VII. Examples of Condemned Literature.
 VIII. The Censorship of the State and by Protestants.
         a. Catholic States: Catholic Germany, France, Spain, and
           Portugal. b. Protestant States: Protestant Germany,
           Switzerland, Holland, Scandinavia, and England.
  IX. The Book Trade as Affected by Censorship: Y450-1800.
  X. The Censorship of the Stage.
  XI. The Literary Policy of the Modem Church.
         (This chapter includes a study of the Indexes of Leo XIII,
           1896-i9oo, the work of Index revision and reform,
           x865-i88o, Romanus and the Tablet, 1897, and
           a reference to present methods of censorship.)
 XII. The Authority and the Results of Censorship.
         Supplement, with schedule of the Indexes issued under
           the authority of the Church, 1526-i9oo.

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