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2009 Legal Issues High Sch. Athletics [1] (2009)

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                                                                     July-August 2009
                             In This Issue
Hackniey Publicationis is pleased
to announce the launch of Legal  Case Summaries and Articles
Issues in High School Athletics, a
bimnthly newsletter that features Lawsuit Pushes Athletic Association to Level
detailed case summaries, articles
aid news briefs that are relevant Plaving Field for Female Baseball Players
to high school athletics.       . Assessing a Coach's Liability for Iniury to the
LIHSA is edited by Holt Hackniey,  ldn-tie
a veteran legal journalist, anid  US. Supreme Court Holds the Line in Case
attorney Daniel B. Fitzgerald,  involving Coach-led Prayers
                  publishr of t   Chicago Joins the Metal Bat Debate: As the
               pWindv City Inches Closer to ecurin its Bid to
attorney with Brody Wilkinson PC. Host the 2016 Games a Closer Examination of
Subscriptions to LIHSA are $      such Debates becomes Necessary
To subscribe, vii ee
                                - Summarv Judgment Ruling Sidelines Football
                                  Players Discrimination Claim
                                - Court Finds that Missing a__Game Does Not
                                  Constitute 'Irreparable Harm'
                                0 Basketball Players Claim Survives Summary
                                0 FederalApeals ourt ides with Coaches in
                                  Wrongful Death Case
                                - Court: Coach's Age and Race Discrimination
                                  CLaims n      ntinue
                                *          -Federa  JeeS ends Eliibili t Lawsuit Back to
                                  State Court.

Lawsuit Pushes Athletic Association to Level Playing Field
for Female Baseball Players

The Executive Committee of the Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA)
has adopted an emergency rule permitting girls to try out for their high school baseball

The decision was made three months after a 14-year-old Indiana girl, Logan Young,
sued the IHSAA and the Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC) for
allegedly discriminating against her in violation of Title IX by not allowing her to try
out, and play for, her high school's baseball team.

Young, a freshman at Bloomington High School South and avid baseball player, had

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