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GAO-08-876R 1 (2008-07-24)

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   G GAO

       Accountability * Integrity * Reliability
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC 20548

            July 24, 2008

            The Honorable Robert C. Byrd
            The Honorable Thad Cochran
            Ranking Member
            Committee on Appropriations
            United States Senate

            The Honorable David R. Obey
            The Honorable Jerry Lewis
            Ranking Member
            Committee on Appropriations
            House of Representatives

            Subject: Agencies Believe Strengthening International Agreements to
            Improve Collection of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties Would Be
            Difficult and Ineffective

            The United States and many of its trading partners have enacted laws to
            remedy the unfair trade practices of other countries and foreign companies
            that cause injury to domestic industries. U.S. law authorizes the imposition of
            additional duties on importers to remedy these unfair trade practices.'
            Specifically, antidumping (AD) duties are imposed on imports that are
            dumped in the United States (i.e., sales in the U.S. market at less than the
            market price in the item's home market) and countervailing (CV) duties are
            imposed on imports that are subsidized by foreign governments. Importers are
            responsible for paying all duties, taxes, and fees on products when they are
            brought into the United States (including AD/CV duties). Importers can be
            located either domestically or overseas.

            Since fiscal year 2001, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which is
            responsible for collecting import duties, has been unable to collect hundreds of
            millions of dollars in AD/CV duties.2 In March 2008, we reported that over

            '19 U.S.C. §§ 1671, 1673.

            2This includes uncollected duties from fiscal years 2001 through 2007, as of September 2007.

GAO-08-876R Collecting Antidumping and Countervailing Duties

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