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GAO-06-466R 1 (2006-02-21)

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        Accountability * Integrity * Reliability
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC 20548

   February 21, 2006

   The Honorable Richard G. Lugar
   Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations
   United States Senate

   Subject: Analysis of Future Millennium Challenge Corporation Obligations

   Dear Chairman Lugar:

   The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)-intended to provide aid to developing countries
   that have demonstrated a commitment to ruling justly, encouraging economic freedom, and
   investing in people-has received appropriations for fiscal years (FY) 2004-06 totaling more than
   $4.2 billion. About $3.8 billion of this amount has been set aside for compact assistance.' As of
   January 2006, MCC had signed or approved eight compacts2 obligating about $1.5 billion,3 leaving
   an unobligated balance of about $2.3 billion. To assist in this year's budget deliberations, this
   letter provides a range of estimates under two scenarios of how quickly MCC could obligate this
   balance and three possible levels of FY 2007 appropriations at the current pace of compact
   award. The President has requested an additional $3 billion for MCC for FY 2007.

   To address this objective, we analyzed MCC's FY 2005 and 2006 budget presentations and other
   corporation records. We selected two illustrative scenarios for future MCC obligations: (1) a
   higher cost scenario in which the average size of future compacts is consistent with MCC
   projections and (2) a lower cost scenario in which future compacts are consistent with the
   average compact size to date. For both of these scenarios, we assumed that MCC would sign an
   average of two compacts per quarter-the actual rate observed since April 2005. We discussed
   our estimates with MCC officials and have incorporated their comments as appropriate. We
   conducted our work in December 2005 through February 2006 in accordance with generally
   accepted government auditing standards.


   Under the higher-cost scenario, MCC would obligate the balance of its FY 2004-06 appropriations
   in the second quarter of FY 2007. Assuming that subsequent compact size remains consistent with
   MCC projections, an FY 2007 appropriation of $1, $2 or $3 billion will support the funding of
   compacts through, respectively, the third quarter of FY 2007, the fourth quarter of FY 2007, or the
   second quarter of FY 2008. The cumulative number of compacts under this scenario ranges from
   18 to 23.

   1About $400 million has been set aside for MCC's threshold country program, administrative expenses, due diligence,
   monitoring and evaluation, and other costs.
   'The Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-199, Division D, Section 605) authorizes MCC to provide
   assistance to countries that enter into public compacts with the United States. MCC has negotiated compacts with
   countries that contain agreed assistance objectives, responsibilities, implementation schedules, expected results, and
   evaluation strategies.
   3Through January 2006, MCC had expended about $12 million of the $1.5 billion obligated for compact assistance.

GAO-06-466R MCC Obligations

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