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B-298831 1 (2006-12-14)

handle is hein.gao/gaocrptassd0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

A         G    A    O                                                   Comptroller General
.       Accountability * Integrity * Reliability                        of the United States
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC 20548


          Matter of: AllWorld Language Consultants, Inc.

          File:        B-298831

          Date:        December 14, 2006

          Harvey G. Sherzer, Esq., Dickstein Shapiro LLP, for the protester.
          Sheryl A. Butler, Esq., Drug Enforcement Administration, for the agency.
          Scott H. Riback, Esq., and John M. Melody, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, GAO,
          participated in the preparation of the decision.

          1. Protest that awardee in fixed-price sealed bid acquisition submitted unrealistically
          low prices is dismissed, since question of whether a firm's pricing is too low does not
          involve the responsiveness of the firm's bid, but rather the firm's responsibility;
          agency, in making award, made an affirmative determination of responsibility, which
          is not for consideration under our Bid Protest Regulations except in circumstances
          not alleged by protester.

          2. Protest that firm's bid was nonresponsive because it included incorrectly
          calculated overtime rates is denied where record shows that miscalculation
          amounted to waivable minor informality.

          AllWorld Language Consultants, Inc. (ALC) protests the award of a contract to
          Conduit Language Specialists under invitation for bids (IFB) No. DEA-06-B-0001,
          issued by the Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), to
          acquire language-related services, including monitoring, interpretation, translation
          and transcription services for DEA's San Francisco field office. ALC maintains the
          agency should have rejected Conduit's bid because it included unrealistically low
          prices and overtime rates calculated in a manner that was inconsistent with the
          terms of the IFB.

          We deny the protest.

          The IFB, issued as a two-step sealed bid acquisition, contemplated the award of an
          indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract for a base year, with four 1-year

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