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B-297342 1 (2006-01-09)

handle is hein.gao/gaocrptasmd0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

A         G    A    O                                                  Comptroller General
.       Accountability * Integrity * Reliability                       of the United States
United States Government Accountability Office     DOCUMENT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE
Washington, DC 20548                                  The decision issued on the date below was subject to a
                                                      GAO Protective Order. This redacted version has been
                                                      approved for public release.


          Matter of: Alion Science & Technology Corporation

          File:        B-297342

          Date:        January 9, 2006

          L. James D'Agostino, Esq., Richard L. Moorhouse, Esq., David T. Hickey, Esq.,
          John G. Stafford, Esq., and Andrew Belofsky, Esq., Greenberg Traurig, LLP; J. Scott
          Hommer III, Esq., and Kier X. Bancroft, Esq., Venable LLP, for the protester.
          Thomas C. Papson, Esq., Jason N. Workmaster, Esq., and Kara M. Klaas, Esq.,
          McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, for Advanced Engineering & Sciences, a division of
          ITT Industries, Inc., an intervenor.
          Flayo 0. Kirk, Esq., Defense Information Systems Agency, for the agency.
          Glenn G. Wolcott, Esq., and Michael R. Golden, Esq., Office of the General Counsel,
          GAO, participated in the preparation of the decision.

          Protest is sustained where record does not support the agency's conclusion that
          awardee's conflicts of interest will be minimal, with limited impact on quality of
          contract performance, where awardee, a manufacturer of spectrum-dependent
          products, will perform analysis and evaluation and exercise subjective judgment
          regarding formulation of policies and regulations that may affect the sale or use of
          spectrum-dependent products manufactured by the awardee or the awardee's
          competitors, and those deployed by the awardee's customers.

          Alion Science & Technology Corporation protests the Defense Information System
          Agency's (DISA) award of a contract to Advanced Engineering & Sciences,
          a division of ITT Industries, Inc. (ITT), under request for quotations (RFQ)
          No. HC1047-05-R-4018 to provide spectrum engineering support services. Alion
          protests that, in light of ITT's significant involvement in the manufacture and
          marketing of spectrum-dependent products, the agency failed to reasonably consider
          the extent of organizational conflicts of interest (OCI) that are likely to impair ITT's
          objectivity in performing the contract requirements.

We sustain the protest.

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