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B-291044 1 (2002-10-10)

handle is hein.gao/gaocrptaoht0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

          G    A    O0                                                Comptroller General
Accountability * Integrity* Reliability                                of the United States
United States General Accounting Office
Washington, DC 20548


          Matter of: AHNTECH Inc.

          File:        B-291044

          Date:        October 10, 2002

          Sam Ahn for the protester.
          M. Lee Kristeller Johnson, Esq., and Barbara Amster, Esq., Department of the Navy,
          for the agency.
          Paul E. Jordan, Esq., and John M. Melody, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, GAO,
          participated in the preparation of the decision.

          Protest that agency improperly found proposal unacceptable and therefore excluded
          it from competitive range is denied where protester based staffing on table in
          solicitation showing that a minimum of 19 on-site personnel were required for
          certain tasks; table did not purport to cover all tasks included in solicitation's scope
          of work and solicitation required offerors to propose sufficient personnel, both
          on-site and off-site, to perform multitude of tasks.

          AHNTECH, Inc. protests the exclusion of its proposal from the competitive range
          under request for proposals (RFP) No. N00244-02-R-0001, issued by the Fleet and
          Industrial Supply Center, Department of the Navy, for logistics and support services
          at various sites worldwide. AHNTECH asserts that the agency's technical evaluation
          was flawed.

          We deny the protest.

          The RFP sought offers for logistics and support services for the Fleet Technical
          Support Center, Pacific, under Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular
          A-76. The work encompassed by the performance work statement (PWS) included
          operation and management of functions comprising integrated logistics support
          (ILS), and other support services, including financial, travel, payroll, automated
          information system (AIS), administrative, secretarial, maintenance documentation,
          and management analysis functions. The geographical and functional scope of the
          effort was to include seven bases in California, Hawaii, Washington, Japan, and

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