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GAO-01-1018R 1 (2001-08-14)

handle is hein.gao/gaocrptamtw0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

       Accountability * Integrity  Reliability
United States General Accounting Office
Washington, DC 20548

         August 14, 2001

         The Honorable James Hansen
         Committee on Resources
         House of Representatives

         Subject: Accidental Contamination of Samples Used in Canadian Lynx Study
                  Rendered the Study's Preliminary Conclusion Invalid

         Dear Mr. Chairman:

         This letter responds to your request that we investigate the results of a 1998 study
         concerning the Canadian lynx. The Forest Service contracted with Dr. John Weaver
         of the Wildlife Conservation Society in New York City to help conduct surveys for the
         Canadian lynx in the Cascade Mountain range of Washington and Oregon. In a March
         1999 interim report, Dr. Weaver concluded that the Canadian lynx resides in certain
         forested portions of the states of Washington and Oregon. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
         Service cited the 1999 interim report's preliminary data in the final rule it published in
         the Federal Register on the status of the Canadian lynx.' In March 2000, the Fish and
         Wildlife Service placed the lynx on its list of threatened species, pursuant to the
         Endangered Species Act of 1973,2 in the forested portions of 13 states, including
         Washington and Oregon.

         Dr. Weaver based his preliminary conclusion on the results of a deoxyribonucleic
         acid (DNA) analysis of hair samples recovered in the Cascade Mountain range of
         Washington and Oregon. That analysis was conducted by the Science Resource
         Center of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Additional DNA analysis was performed
         on the same hair samples by the Wildlife Genetics International Laboratory in
         Canada, which questioned whether the samples had been contaminated.
         You asked us to (1) determine whether allegations that the study was deliberately
         falsified are accurate and (2) confirm that two laboratories reached different
         conclusions based on an analysis of the same samples.

         We conducted our investigation between August 2000 and July 2001 in accordance
         with investigative standards established by the President's Council on Integrity and
         Efficiency. We interviewed Dr. John Weaver; Dr. George Amato, the Director of the

GAO-01-1018R Canadian Lynx Study

'65 Federal Register16052.
' 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et. seq.

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