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B-282739 1 (1999-08-19)

handle is hein.gao/gaocrptajkm0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

__Comptroller General
                                                                       of the United States
United States General Accounting Office               DOCUMENT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE
Washington, DC 20548                                The decision issued on the date below was subject to a
                                                    GAO Protective Order. This redacted version has been
                                                    approved for public release.


          Matter of: Allied Technology Group, Inc.

          File:       B-282739

          Date:       August 19, 1999

          Raymond Fioravanti, Esq., and Kenneth B. Weckstein, Esq., Epstein Becker & Green,
          for the protester.
          Richard B. Oliver, Esq., Christopher B. McDavid, Esq., and Charles H. Pomeroy, Esq.,
          McKenna & Cuneo, for Environmental Chemical Corporation, an intervenor.
          Carl E. Korman, Esq., and Daniel J. Dykstra, Jr., Esq., Department of the Army, for
          the agency.
          C. Douglas McArthur, Esq., and Linda S. Lebowitz, Esq., Office of the General
          Counsel, GAO, participated in the preparation of the decision.

          Protest is denied where the agency's evaluation of proposals was reasonable and
          consistent with the solicitation's evaluation scheme and where the agency
          reasonably selected for award a higher technically rated, 14 percent higher priced
          proposal consistent with the solicitation's terms which provided that technical
          evaluation factors were significantly more important than price/cost.

          Allied Technology Group, Inc. (ATG) protests the award of a contract to
          Environmental Chemical Corporation (ECC) under request for proposals (RFP)
          No. DACA05-99-R-0010, issued by the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers,
          Sacramento District, for environmental abatement projects in its South Pacific
          Division (SPD). ATG asserts that the evaluation of proposals was neither reasonable
          nor consistent with the RFP's evaluation scheme and that the agency's tradeoff
          decision was unreasonable.

          We deny the protest.

          On January 15, 1999, the agency issued the RFP for indefinite-delivery/combination
          fixed-price and cost reimbursement task order Pre-Placed Remedial Action
          Contracts (PRAC). RFP at L-15. Under these contracts, contractors are to perform

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