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B-281255 1 (1998-12-28)

handle is hein.gao/gaocrptahyf0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

oComptroller General
             of the United States
             Washington, D.C. 20548

             Matter of: Amdahl Corporation

             File:       B-281255

             Date:       December 28, 1998

             Karen Zucker, Esq., for the protester.
             Todd Hutchen, Esq., for IBM, Global Government Industry, an intervenor.
             Kavita Kalsy, Esq., Bureau of the Public Debt; and Roger D. Waldron, Esq., General
             Services Administration, for the agencies.
             Paul E. Jordan, Esq., and Paul Lieberman, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, GAO,
             participated in the preparation of the decision.

             1. In evaluating system-life cost under Federal Supply Schedule procurement for 36-
             month lease of computer equipment, agency properly used vendors' catalog prices
             for maintenance for years beyond the lease period, where solicitation advised
             vendors of this evaluation scheme.

             2. Agency's technical evaluation of vendor quotations on computer systems was
             reasonable where performed in accordance with stated evaluation criteria and based
             on valid assessments of proposed systems.

             Amdahl Corporation protests the issuance of a delivery order to IBM under request
             for quotations (RFQ) No. 99-007, issued by the Bureau of the Public Debt,
             Department of the Treasury, for a complimentary metal oxide semiconductor
             (CMOS) processor. Amdahl challenges the order citing alleged flaws in the
             evaluation of quotations and in the price/technical tradeoff.

             We deny the protest.

             On August 12, 1998, Treasury issued the RFQ for a CMOS through a 36-month
             lease-to-own-plan (LTOP). The RFQ also included related requirements such as
             training, system manuals, publications, and a minimum warranty period. The RFQ
             specifically limited quotations to those under a General Services Administration
             (GSA) Nonmandatory Federal Supply Schedule (FSS), FSC Group 70, Part I, in
             conformity with the terms and conditions of the schedule. The RFQ set forth
             mandatory functional requirements and listed a number of six specific features
             which were desired, but not required. As a seventh desired feature, the RFQ

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