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114659 1 (1981-03-10)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadyqq0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

       Washington, D.C. 20548

'I q Wm

                                       FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY
                                       Expected on
                                       March 10, 1981

                        Statement of

                        Harry S. Havens

    Assistant Comptroller General of the United States

                         before the

 Task Force on Entitlements, Uncontrollables and Indexation

                           of the

                  Committee on the Budget

                U.S. House of Representatives          114659


5L-1ernatives for Modifying the Indexation of Federal Program~l

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Task Force:

      We appreciate the opportunity to appear before you to dis-

 cuss our report on indexing and entitlement programs.

      As the Comptroller General testified last week, we believe

 that some means of limiting the present indexing system is ab-

 solutely essential. This view is based on the following consid-


      1. Explicitly indexed programs now account for about 30%

          of the budget. To exclude from consideration the

          issue of indexation would unnecessarily limit the

          options available to the Congress as it seeks ways to

          act now to constrain the budget.

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