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112952 1 (1980-08-06)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadyol0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
United States Ceneral Accounting Office
        Washington, D.C. 20548

                          FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY
                          Expected at 10:00 a.m.
                          Wednesday, August 6, 1980

                      Statement of

                    J. Kenneth Fasick              IIjIIIII1

            Director, International Division          112.

                       before the
Subcommittee Investigating the Activities of Individuals

   Representing the Interests of Foreign Governments

           Senate Committee on the Judiciary

    Ldministration of Foreign Agent Registration


Mr. Chairman and IMembers of the Committee:

     We are pleased to be here today to discuss with you the

registration of foreign agents. Just last week we issued a

report making specific recommendations to the Attorney General

and the Secretary of State which we believe are necessary for

improving the~administration of this function. With your per-

mission, Mr. Chairman, we would like to submit a copy of our

report for the record.

     We had previously reported on this subject in 1974, and,

although improvements have been made since thenj More atten-

tion needs to be directed toward registration and reporting

requirements) Otherwise, we believe the public will not be

provided with sufficient information on agent activities, as

intended by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as

amended.                                              4   6 6e) 37
                                                         e z. .

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