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107247 1 (1978-09-18)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadybo0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


07247 - [B2647710]

Activities of the General Services Administration. September 10,
1978. 15 pp.

Testimcny before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affa!il's:
Federal Spending Practices and open Government Subcommittea; by
Jerome H. Stolarow, Director, Procurement and Systems
Acquisition Div.

Contact: Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div.
Organization Concerned: General Services Administration.
Congressional Relevance: Senate Committee on Governuental
    Affairs: Federal Spending Practices and Open Gvenment
    S utcomuittee.
Authority: Legislative Reorganization Act of 1950; ORB Circular
    &-50. (P.L. 86-24S; 40 U.S.C. 601). ONE Circular A-109.

         The General Service Administration's (GSA's)
responsiveuess to GAO audit reports, implementation of ORD
Circular A-109, and activities vith regard to the Federal Supply
Schedules are dJucuss&°. CSA is instituting new ;rocedu,:es for
follovup activi Aes with regard to Jmplewentation of cort&€tive
actions requirQ4 by GAO reports, tnis should ivsure that the
recomendations have ac leaut been discussed by GSA's top
management. GSA is now vrking toward implementation of the
A-109 acquisition process, although progress hn-s been slow, ant
such remains to be dcne. JSA has also issued formal instrucio% _
tc correct certain problems rulated to the Federal Supply
Schedule, pprticulakly the lack of discounts normally made
available to other customers. (S')

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