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105332 1 (1978-03-10)

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05332 - [8O7356461
Amtrak* Costs and Operating aesults. martch 10. 1978. 6 pp. + 4
appendices (8 pp.).

Testimony before the 3enate Committee on Commerce, Science* and
!Tansportation: Surface Transportati c Subcommittee; by Henry
Eschveqe, Director, Community and Economiz Development Div.

Contact: Community and Bconoic Development Div.
Organization Concorned: National Railroad Pasa eger Corp.
Congressional Relevance: Senate Cor ittee on c mn oe. Scimene,
    and Transportation: Surface TraAsportation Subcommittee.
Authority: Rail Passenger Services Act.

         From Astrak's beginning in may 1971 through September
1977. it incurred deficits totaling S1.85 billion. Amtrak placed
its Government operating subsidy requirements for fiscal year
1979 at $6!j million, but the Administration proposed S510
million. If atrak's subsidy is to be reduced, substantial
reductions in service will be necessary, entailing
discontination of the least-used routes. Areas in which greater
management efficiency could be achieved are: develcpm'rt of
productivity standards to coutrol maintenance costs,
improvements in food and bevoxage service and sanitary
conditions. and a more rational approach tc york rules. Bouever.
improved efficiencies in these and other areas would act
appreciabiy reduce subsidy 1heeds. although Amtrak has grown
since it began operations, passenger miles per train have
decreard,. Amtrak identified routes which it thought warranted
development, but prospects for economic r-ccess on these routes
are not pronising. Benefits such as fuel savings, conveniencep
and reduced air pollution also depend on increased ridership.
The most successful operation has ben it, the Northeast corridor
which accounted for 555 ot ridership in 1977. It is up to the
Conqress to choose the level of subsidy and resulting service to
provide to Amtrak. The Congiess has approved * oute and Service
Criteria designed to require consideration of all factors
involved in rail passenger services. (1T2)

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