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B-151369-O.M. 1 (1963-11-15)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadwbs0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                          WASHINGTON 25, D.C.

VIL ,COUNTNG AND                 APR2

    The Comptroller General
         The Agriemlt-aal Research Servic, (ARS) Department of
    Agriculture,, is sabst~ntially altering a balding, owned and
    saijtalsd by the ageny, to prowide .an additolnal laboratory
    for rseareh wpv7e ses. The agezny does not 0onsider that the
    prvisions of section 3733  Revised Statutes, 41 U.S.C. 12,
    are apl ebl  to thes alterationt an5 tkerefee the 0ost
    of thoe  ldig alterations are not deemed smbject to the
    nonstary 1100attng Imposed UY the Congress in the agency's
    appzpriatido acts. We question, the agenoy's decision to
    exclvis the bmilding alterations from the provisions of
    section 3733.
         I bririg fiscal year 1961, the agency began altering
    WI ~nt' l. '179.~ a former bill barnu located at the Agricul-
    t ra-L Resazvh Center, Sltsville, Md. The cost of the
    buildink at th* start of the alteration vork, according to
    real property Inventory records was $27,000. The building
    is being altered to provide a laboratory primarily for
    research experiments to Identify the so-arees of infetion
    and environmntal eauses of ellnical mastitis in bovine
    animals.- The wart includes removing animal box stalls; pro-
    vdivg a&4d:tional eletriclty, heatIng, and water utilitles;
    istaLing a. tairway and   ay chutel and eeeting interior
    eindar 'block walls br the enviro~ntal chaxbers (rooms for
    Controlfif t.eperatre and hurdiity) for 'ing   ering and
    PbIS10egy rooms, a milk room, an equipment room, and a
    t0ilet room. The   oet of this work is estimatd at about
    n', in aIdltion, t e  cost of ptrhasi and install-
    ing insulatl n and eqrutpant tc produce the desired
    tefl~e     ; ad humiditieS in the .lmatit chaers is

         iAi f March I, 1963, thea geny had r~erded expend-
     tire  of a~prexi ly*~     OOC fO1r the vrko This &aut
     de S li inlud~ects to e     ini~re6 for insulation and
     eqp~% Th esti~ted eaxpletion date for the lahe
   ! r -oy i Jun   l963o

1  Zi~w'     4     4

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