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B-189576 1 (1977-11-23)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaduop0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                    W OLLR a ~     ,
                  Q          THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL             845
  .IMCI9ION          7       OF THE UNITED STATES
                             WA SH I N G TON, 0.C0. 20548

  FILE:   B-189518                  DATE:     It'    7

  MATTER OF: Captain                       i US (Retired)

  DIGEST:     It Was administratively determined that packing
              of Navy member's household goods, which the
              inventory showed Includied antiques as will as
              sets of ane china and cut crystal for whiah he
              requested special handllng resulted in special
              handling charges which were over and above
              the services _required in the carrier's contract.
              Since the record supports the administrative
              determination and does not show clear evidence
              of error in such determination, which is pri-
              marily an administrative matter, this Offico
              will not question the administrative dctrwina-
              Lion of the member's liability for the excess

    This action is in response to the request of Captain.
USN (Retired).           j for review of the action taken by the Clirns
Division of this Office on April 18. 1977, 1iwhich it was concluded that
he was Indebted to the Government in th amount of $782.55 for excess
costs incurredA for Special services and excess weight in the shipmenat of
his household goods incident to his retivement from the United States Navy.
The Claims Division in Its A.pril 18, 1977 letter to'Captain
stated that in the absenca of any evidence showing the administrative
excess cost determination was in error, the reportd indebtedness
in the sum of $338.36 for costs for excess weight a-ad $444.19 for special
services rendered by the carrier was correct, it appears that the membe.
paid thj amount of $782. 55 under protest. However,. hq has, now agreed
that the excess weight charges of $338.36 were valid .bu Is appealing
the determination concerning the special service charges of $444. 19.

   At the time of Captain            retirments while stationed in
Germany. he had his household goods shipped to nonternporary storage
in G ermany. In connection with this move, which was handled by the
United States Army# the Garman shipper performed special services
for which he billed the A rzy. The invoice from the carrier covering
isecial service shows that the special charges were for 8 crates
24n lath-wood. 22 workhours tor carpenters  packing of antique
furnitures - 9 manhours and special iaterial (7 rolls of tape and
75 cartons), for a total charge of DIM 1.163.79 or $444.1. The carrir's

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