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B-171495 1 (1971-03-04)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaducb0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548

              .B.-1711495        .March 4, 1971

           Mrs. Mary M. :ydquist
           Authorized Certifying Officer                   .,
           Bureau of Land Management
           United States Department of the Interior
           Denver Federal Center
           Dnver, Colorado   80225

           Dear Wt. Eydquist:

                This will refer to your letter of December 8, 1970, your refer-
;::,i:,::ence 13T6 (M 32), requesting an advance decision as to a-hhp      a              :.,:
G~i',!i    travel voucher dated March 26, 1970, suxbmitted by                            i iI
?;:     for travel and. transportation expenses may be approved for paymn.M :;
  i The voucher, in an a ',n-P             686.14j is for expenses incurred
           incident to travel by           and his family and transportation
           of household effects from Whitesboro, New York, to Fairbanks, Alaska,
           between March 12, 1968, and March 25, 1968, for the purpose, as
           stated on the voucher, of accepting employment with the Bureau of
           land Management, The last paragraph of your letter refers to the
           voucher as covering transfer expenses,' However, all information
           contained in the file indicates that no transfer was involved but,
           rather, that           was given a new appointment as an employee
           of the Bureau of Land Management at Fairbanks effective March 27, 1968.

                The file contains a letter dated March 5, 1968, to
           from the Chief, Division of Administration of the Fairbanks District
           and Land Office, explaining the conditions upon which the appointment
           was made, the following being pertinent excerpts :..

                The problem will lie in the fact that you will be coming
                up to accept a temporary excepted (seasonal) appointment
                with the expectation that sometime during the summer you
                will receive a career-conditional appointment as a Main-
                tenanceman 11 with an hourly rate of pay of $4.72 per hour.
                This would be a WAE appointment. * * *
                tihe travel of seasonal employees from the Port of Seattle
                to Fairbanks is authorized at government expense. No other
                expenditure of government funds is authorized in this      -.
                connection.. For local hires, those hired in Alaska, no
                expenditure of government funds is authorized. Nov, during
                the summer if you terminate your seasonal appointment to

                        FILE COPY                                          COMP GEN/

 ,.    AM

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