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B-116331 1 (1961-05-29)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadtun0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                             Released                               n,<
                                        WASHINGTON 25

 t....,    Dear ,, Postwter e mrabl           a eprt

                4y let-ter of Uqa B.9 19,61$ refereuce 3-fl, the AciL (Aeral
           Counselo    orDwrmi           ddto      eott this i--ffle In the
           matter of aLlgatioas by tepr-itU   ve Olean    d      j, l ur i......l....
           or conges that cerian-Poa4 mployees violatod sEwtion
           Publt La~46       apywovvd June 30, 1( I L 7 tat 2l3 9

                ection W-1 :.provides th.
                     Suo part or n appaptat on contaded it, Tis A.-'-
                or of the tund avatabi ror ezponditre by =y indiiual,
                corporation, or agecy iJ9X6d in Vi At, shall be used
                for publcity or propaai. d pur wes desiged to suaLort
                or defnt1 leislation propoved or pentding before Coagnr.

                IU the tioond sessioo of the 66t congeals, Congressinan COunir{ hax
           lntrdUed I R 12595, deigne4d tp rOhlbit the P ot Offlce .spOatO..
           frm  trusporting by tircraft, on a ,pac available bi*   , fist elass
           mail1 bearing surfaee pontage. The Dwpart~tm ws vigorotry pPOse
           to tm proviaions oX H. R-. Z,% : I   aT vities of Paartlnt
           officias questioned in the light of BeCtion hol1tonaist of vclux
           s,~tateots, both oral ad %mitten, issued wMt the Are.,t pa--.se
           ,, of aro95ing                            'Setient gatns l. . u59c. $eeL such written
           stameato wee wco4ed Ath Lhe Aetiwe Oenerl Counstl's letter.

                The Acting     alem 0ou=sel Evises 11S tha't nunerous request. were
           r,'eived from Kadtew Of COVN    90r otArifo,*Uen Of iS positin.,
           regardijg the atlrfft progrm sd the Weffet of Hf. . 12595; that Ve
           for      atst.ter (,omrl reptxed by addro      , i,.a letter dated
           jce 29 1960, to ach  ber of th  Home of Repreentatives; .-,
           that t foroer Assijstant, Thtuster Oeneral, fl. iorz; ?. lore
           furnished Reionol Lpentiorta flirecwtca' anW approximatel20
           poatmasters with bnc~qrond inaonmatten, including the, Postmtaster
 ae Qr~lt,, letter of June 29, reuestIng tem. 'to ak ever7 efort to
           acquaint the public i'ith the lepatiat's atrU.?t pr%,rau. Me
foflowing letter sent on June 29, 1960               to rarious wmas    i

        -              of th .t. L'.'.          by '7  D         11a '

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