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B-186070 1 (1976-10-23)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadsqr0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

MI= E  - L- Ilz-

                          THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL
                              WASHINGTON. 0. C, 20,948

 FILE:   B-186070                   OATE:OW       157

 MATTER OF:      LieuteI ent Colonel
                       U ISAF, Retire4
           Air Force officer muadatorily retired under
           10 U.S.c. 8916, with retired pay computed as of
           April 11, 1970, may not have retired pay
           adjusted and Increased to reflect higher pay
           rates effective. April 15, 1970, on the basis
           of administutively issued corrected rstire-
           meat ordefs (issued over 4-1/2 years after 
           original rairaelemt orders) purportiag to
           retroactively -etire officer voluntarily.at a
           later data mtder authority of I0 U.S.C. 8911,
           in ihe absence of valid Air Force correction
           action under 10 U.S.C. 1552. See Comp.
           Cn. decisions cited, and particularly $0 Cozp.
           Can. 258 (1970).

     This action is in response to a letter dated Jahnuary 22,..
 1975 (file reference RPTT), witb enclosures, from the Govptrol-
 ier, Accounting and rinance Division, Headquarters Air Force
 Aceonting and.Finance Center, requesting an advance decision
 as to the propriety of making payment -q a voucher for $1,852.05
 in favor of Lieutenant Colonel
 USAY, Retired, representing additional retired pay for the peTiod
 May 1, 1970, through Deeimbae 31, 1974. The request was for-
 yArded to this Office by the Chief, Finance Group, Directore
 of Accounting and Finance, Departrent of the Air V6ora, aLd has
 been assigned Air Force Itaqueet No. DO-AP-1250 by the Dapartmenit
 of Defense Nilitary Pay and Allowance Conmittee,

     The subitdsion atates that the member was vadatorily
 retired under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 8916efOn April 11, 1.970,
 having 4oopleted 28 years and 29 days of service tomputed under
 10 U.S.C. 888O'nd 8927ind 28 years and 16 days of creditable
 service for basic pay pqrpose . In this respect, the member's
'Retirement Order-Special Order No. AC-31278, dated Deceember 4,
1969--makes rejerence in the remarks item to our decision 38
Coq, Cn, 5i4(1958) as the basis for his retirefeit. Based on
that retirement order and in complAance with the Uniform Rtire-
tent Date Act, 5 U.S.C. 430klJhe was retained on active duty
until April 30, 1970, And became entitled to retired pay effettive
Hay 1, 1970.

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