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B-412501.2,B-412501.3 1 (2016-03-18)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadsaz0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

        G     A    O                                                 Comptroller General
      Accountabilty * Integrity * Reliability                         of the United States
U n ite dd S tate ss G o v e rn m e ntt A c co u nta b ilityy O ff iceer.-.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Washington, DC 20548
                                                    The decision issued on the date below was subject to
                                                    a GAO Protective Order. This redacted version has
                                                    been approved for public release.
         D  e c is io n                            ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

         Matter of:  American Systems Corporation

         File:       B-412501.2; B-412501.3

         Date:       March 18, 2016

         Joseph G. Billings, Esq., and Katherine B. Burrows, Esq., Miles & Stockbridge P.C.,
         for the protester.
         Kara M. Sacilotto, Esq., Rand L. Allen, Esq., Tracye W. Howard, Esq., Brian
         G. Walsh, Esq., and George E. Petel, Esq., Wiley Rein LLP, for Booz Allen
         Hamilton Inc., an intervenor.
         Laura J. Biddle, Esq., and Theresa A. Chestnut, Esq., Department of the Navy, for
         the agency.
         Evan D. Wesser, Esq., and Edward Goldstein, Esq., Office of the General Counsel,
         GAO, participated in the preparation of the decision.

         1. Protest of an agency's corrective action, which includes termination of a task
         order and resolicitation of the government's requirements, is denied where the
         agency's corrective action is appropriate to remedy flaws identified with the
         underlying solicitation.

         2. Protest that an agency improperly awarded a short-term, sole-source contract is
         denied where the record shows that the agency had a reasonable basis for its
         decision to restrict the procurement to the only source it viewed as able to meet the
         agency's requirement to ensure uninterrupted services.

         American Systems Corporation (ASC), of Chantilly, Virginia, protests the corrective
         action being taken in connection with request for proposals (RFP) No. N00024-15-
         R-3064, which was issued by the Department of the Navy, Space and Naval
         Warfare Systems Command, for professional support services. ASC argues that
         the corrective action taken in response to a protest challenging the agency's
         previous issuance of a task order to ASC, including terminating the order for the
         government's convenience, cancelling the RFP, and resoliciting the requirements, is
         overly broad and unreasonable. Additionally, ASC challenges the award, on a
         sole-source basis, of contract No. N00039-16-C-0051 to Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.

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