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P00455 1 (2007-03-09)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadotp0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

ADA-06-01   03-03  Department of
                      I the Air Force



Missile Procurement, 10/14/2005
     Air Force

Department of      Rearh
  D ten oy   Development, Test
  the Navy    and Evaluation, Navy



FY 2000
FY 2001



31 U.S.C.
§ 1517(a)(1)

31 U.S.C.
§ 1517

Air Force obligated funds in excess of
amounts apportioned under a
continuing resolution for missile
procurement associated with
replacement of guidance systems of
Minuteman missiles.

Navy exceeded the $1 million threshold
allowing the use of O&M funds for
unspecified minor construction under
the Laboratory Revitalization
Demonstration Program.

(1) Air Force de-obligated
$75,000,000 from the Missile
Procurement Account, which,
when coupled with an increase in
budget authority provided by a
continuing resolution, was
sufficient to cover both contract
options. (2) Air Force ceased
the practice of providing verbal oi
electronic notification concerning
the appropriate use and
obligation of Missile Procuremeni
funds, and developed a formal
budget authority document.

Violation over and above the
threshold corrected when Navy
entered new contract, utilizing
Military Construction, Navy
funds. Navy implemented a new
process whereby the
Commander, Naval Installations
reviews and approves facilities
projects anticipated to exceed
$500,000. Navy also revised the
process for approving proposed
LRDP projects to include
involvement by the comptroller.

United States Government Accountability Office

Source: Unaudited information GAO extracted from agency Antideficiency Act reports; for further information about a specific report, please contact the relevant agency.

Antideficiency Act Report Information, FY 2006
                               Page 1 of 12

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