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B-200756.2 1 (1981-11-02)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadjvw0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

    DECISION     OILR C   A ,.-
                        THE COMPTROL          ENERAL
                         WASHINGT0N, 0.C       2054e

FILE:    B-200756.2           DATE: November 2, 1981

MATTER OF: Monitor International, Inc. -- Agency Request
                     For Reconsideration.


1.    Where agency reiterates reason for limi-
      ting competitive range which already was
      considered as part of original protest
      record, matter will not be considered
 2.   Agency has not performed adequate cost
      realism analysis when it fails to examine
      basis of provisional overhead rates and
      all other costs proposed by all offerors
      for a cost reimbursement type contract.

 3.   Where competitive range was based on final
      results of combined technical and cost
      evaluation which placed great emphasis on
      cost, agency's failure to conduct adequate
      cost analysis left it in no position to
      determine that any proposal was out of
      line as to price and technical ability
      so that further discussions would be

      The Agency for Volunteer Service (ACTION) requests
 reconsideration of our decision, Monitor International,
 Inc., B-200756, September 14, 1981, 81-2 CPD 214. We sus-
 tained Monitor's protest against ACTION because we found
 that the agency unreasonably excluded all offerors but
 one, CHP International, Inc., from the competitive range
 under Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 80-19. The RFP
 solicited proposals for a cost reimbursement contract
 to obtain training for Peace Corps volunteers in Paraguay.

      We found that ACTION improperly factored unanalyzed
 and potentially unrealistic cost estimates into the RFP's
 evaluation formula, the results of which were used to

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